The Spy Who Loved Me

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Tiffany straightened the collar of her pin stripe black suit as Jennie sat down across from her with a look of surprise on her face. "Tiff? What? They told me somebody called Mi-yeong was here to see me". Tiffany smiled "Code name, my ID still says Stephanie but the register says Mi-yeong, that'll be what your dad sees if any of his people are snooping the visitors list". "Clever" Jennie said raising her eyebrows slightly. "Yes, I am aren't I?" the older girl replied, Tiffany soon frowned when she saw the cuts over Jennie's face, she had obviously been fighting "you don't look good boss". Jennie pushed her back "Courtesy of Lisa Manoban, the cut just above my eye is my favourite, it hurts when I blink". The former PA's eyes widened "Pranpriya? Does she know?!". Jennie shook her head "No she doesn't, we just got into a fight, I started it. It doesn't matter" she said looking down at the table. "Wait, you started it? Jen you don't start fights, you don't even end them. Namjoon jokingly threatened to throw his drink over your hair once and you screamed and buzzed for security" the older girl quipped lightly though deep down she was concerned. Jennie laughed "yeah, things change. I'm a convict now, I'm all tough and shit so you out". Though the brunette was trying her hardest to be light hearted, Tiffany could sense that things were not ok with her friend, she was different to the person she used to be. Jennie tried to back off as Tiffany leaned over and shifted the brunette's hair to the side, exposing the love bites on her neck,  "Jen...did she???".  "Rape me? No, I've been spared that drama thankfully" the younger girl replied coldly while covering the mark back up with her hair. Tiffany frowned "But it was her right? Except you were willing? and now you're starting fights with her. Jennie..." her frown intensified, Jennie was playing a very risky game and she did not approve.

"So why are you here Tiff, sorry 'Mi-yeong'" Jennie grumbled rolling her eyes. Tiffany pulled out some documents from her bag, some were from Namjoon's law practice, others random, "read these". Jennie opened the files and began to read ( " From: CEO Kim To: Son Hyun-woo, in regards to the construction of...") Jennie raised her eyebrows confused "It's an email from my dad to a big contractor over development of the new casino he was going to set up with Di Stefano. I don't understand why you are showing me this?". Tiffany leaned forward and lowered her voice "You, your dad and a couple of his investment partners were the only ones supposed to know about the casino, aside from Di Stefano right?". The younger girl nodded, still confused. "Well this email proves that your dad contacted someone else about it, I haven't been able to access any more emails, most of them were wiped from your dad's computer but the conversation continued, meaning it was highly likely your dad told Hyunwoo about Di Stefano's involvement in the project" the PA continued, still speaking quietly. Her former boss tilted her head "Your point being?". Tiffany looked around to be sure nobody was listening in, "Jennie, Son Hyun-woo is missing. He's been missing for 5 months". The brunette's world went black for a second, like time had stopped as she began to break out in a cold sweat "fuck" she mumbled under her breath. "It doesn't end there either. Obviously you remember Choi Sung-min, your former business partner and one of your dad's less valued executives, he died of a heart attack last week" Tiffany continued. Jennie shrugged "That doesn't mean much does it? He had a heart defect from birth, he had to use a pacemaker, it isn't out of the question that he'd have another attack, of course it is a great shame it was fatal, I always liked Sungmin". "Yeah his pacemaker had an advanced computer in it that controlled everything for him, high end for pacemakers however it was vulnerable to hackers, Namjoon got hold of a copy of the coroners report, they said his heart attack was caused by a malfunction in his pacemaker. Jennie your dad and his partners are having those who knew about the Giovanni connection killed. I stole what I could from the offices while I was there the other night but I can't go back now, they think I left when you got sentenced, me being there again would arouse too much suspicion so it's all on Namjoon now. Your dad got you sent to prison largely to protect himself but also I suspect to spare you from being assassinated, however he cares more about himself than anything else and he's already under loads of pressure from his partners, so just because he hasn't attempted to kill you yet doesn't mean he won't, and if he finds out you're close with Pranpriya..." Tiffany replied with clear panic in her voice. Jennie buried her head in her hands, breathing heavily. ~Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck~

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