The Escape Part 2: Lie To Me

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"I am fucking shitting myself" Wendy aggressively whispered as she carefully carried the explosives in a bucket, very wary of blowing all of the gang up before they even reached the infirmary. Jisoo snickered "yeah in hindsight, perhaps we should of scheduled a toilet break before we started". The gang started to giggle, the heavy business hadn't started yet so right now it just felt like they were up to their shenanigans again. "Fuck don't make me laugh, I don't want to drop this bucket" Wendy whined. The gang made their way through the fighting crowds, protecting Wendy from chairs and tables being flipped and thrown around, Jennie started to breathe incredibly heavily like a pregnant woman in labour. Lisa draped her arm around the older girl's shoulder to try and comfort her while she was puffing in and out erratically. ~Don't have a panic attack, not now~ Jennie repeated in her mind while the gang attempted to sneak past the insanity and make their way towards the infirmary.  "They are all going fucking nuts!" Chaeyoung yelled enthusiastically with a large grin on her face. Dahyun nodded, almost bouncing around with excitement "It looks so fun oh my god, can't we riot instead?". Lisa laughed "believe me Dubu, I am tempted". Lisa grabbed Jennie's hand tightly, who was still overwhelmed by everything, "I'm here baby, you'll be ok I promise" the Thai whispered softly into the brunette's ear. 

"FUCK YOU BITCHEEEEESSSSS!" Jeongyeon yelled like a war cry as she dived off piled up chairs onto a group of fighting inmates with her t-shirt tied around her head. Even the calm ones were losing their shit right now. The protective netting that hung just above the ground floor was certainly having its strength tested as 7 inmates had been thrown over the side of banisters, though a couple of them jumped just for the hell of it. Cell Block E was a complete warzone right now, the wardens were massively outnumbered and many were retreating into the food hall to regroup and come up with a plan, at least that's what they were telling themselves, in truth they were just scared and hiding. Not that they could be blamed, there were inmates fighting everywhere, many each other, most with wardens, there were so many problems going on at once that the wardens didn't know what to prioritise. Many of the inmates, including Amber were stealing food from the kitchens, Amber could be spotted dodging the conflict with boxes of cookies in the bottom of her shirt that she was holding like a hammock, a loaf of bread underneath her one arm, packets of coffee held tightly in her teeth. Groups of inmates had flooded the floors in the shower rooms turning the outer corridor into a giant slip n slide. Some had even removed the uniform from a couple of wardens and were now wearing them.

The gang managed to avoid the chaos and slipped into the wing with the infirmary relatively easily, however there were two wardens standing guard outside the hospital area to protect the doctors and medical supplies. "Dubchaeng, with me!" Lisa yelled as she proceeded towards the wardens that were readying themselves up for a fight. "On it!" both girls said in response at the same time, following closely behind the Thai. The fight did not take long, one of the wardens managed to get a good punch in, cutting open Chaeyoung's lip but was soon knocked out by Jisoo who couldn't resist joining in the fight, Jennie and Joy still protecting Wendy. Lisa took the keys from the unconscious warden who had locked the infirmary doors behind him, and unlocked them as the gang proceeding inside. "Oh god please don't hurt us, you can take anything just don't hurt us" one of the doctors pleaded as they cowered behind a bed. "Oh do shut the fuck up" Dahyun scoffed as she rolled her eyes. Doctor Lee stepped forward, patting her colleague on the shoulder for comfort, "they aren't going to hurt anybody. Are you Lis?" she said confidently as she looked towards the blonde. The Thai pointed at the cowering doctor behind the bed and then pointed towards the door, "you!, get out, now". The young man looked at Sunmi and shook his head "no I am not leaving without Doctor Lee sunbae". Doctor Lee smiled "please do as they say, I will be fine I promise", her reassuring tone was enough to convince the younger doctor to leave, running out of the door and away to somewhere safe. As Jisoo and Dubchaeng barricaded the door after the doctor left, Doctor Lee's smile quickly faded and turned into a frown, "Ok Lisa, what the fuck is going on. There is a huge riot outside and instead of joining in, you guys are in here with a weird bucket". Lisa sighed deeply, "First of all, weird bucket? That is no way to speak about Chaeyoung". "Hey!" the offended girl whined while Dahyun laughed at her. Lisa smirked and continued, "Second of all, we are getting out of here. Unnie I know you believe me that I was framed, and well shit is so much deeper than that and honestly I don't have the time to explain though I promise one day I will. Just please don't get in our way".

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