Two Down

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The next month moved slowly, suddenly it felt less like a standard security prison and more like a prisoner of war camp. The inmates were escorted everywhere, locked in their cells all day except for showering, eating and working times. They were watched constantly, there was far more wardens than usual, forcing them to leave some other cell blocks slightly less guarded. But this was necessary after two murders in the space of 24 hours. No clues, no evidence, and in a building filled with convicted felons, everyone was a suspect. Of course considering the nature of the crimes, and the victims, there was one particular inmate who was suspected more than most.

Lisa sat at the breakfast table with her gang, under the watchful eyes of the wardens, particularly Jimin's. She was trying to ignore the mumbling, the whispers, being able to hear her name uttered by inmates even more than usual, but considering the circumstances, she was finding it difficult. "Are you ok Lis?" Jisoo asked concerned as her best friend avoided talking to any of them, including Jennie. "I'm fine" the Thai responded shortly. Jisoo chose not to pry any further, she didn't need to, practically half of the cell block believed that Lisa had murdered Nayeon and Yeri, and those that didn't, believed that she got someone else to.  The truth is, nobody knew who killed Nayeon and who killed Yeri, the wardens and police did not even know if both girls had been killed by the same person. The murders were different, Nayeon was garrotted with wire, where as Yeri had been stabbed to death by a switchblade or pocket knife, a weapon Lisa Manoban was known to possess, adding fuel to the fire in the suspicions of the inmates.

Though a month had passed since the chilling murders, it was still very much number one topic of discussion, especially for the gang. "I tried asking Amber what she knew during shower time, but she was like super weird and wouldn't look me in the eye, suspicious right?" Chaeyoung said like some old fashioned detective. Wendy rolled her eyes "yeah so so suspicious. It is almost like being naked showering and being questioned by another naked person about murder is like uncomfortable or something?". Jisoo and Rosé looked at each other and smirked. Dahyun casually took a bite out of her food and began to speak with her mouth full "maybe Yeri got killed because of the money she was bragging about". The eyes of pretty much everyone on the table, except for Dahyun widened. Wendy raised an eyebrow "I completely forgot about that. Yeri told people that her and the other girls had like thousands in cash. Wouldn't know anything about that would you...Money?". Jennie gulped, she didn't realise the girls knew about the bribery. "Jen?" Lisa asked softly. The brunette sighed deeply "Ok, yeah I had some money brought in for them to keep them off my back, you saw what they did to Rosie and they threatened me too so I paid them off. I stood up to them one day, called them out on their shit and they backed off, maybe because they saw me getting close to you guys" she shrugged taking a sip of tea. "Fair enough" Dahyun grumbled.

Joy scratched her head "I don't know guys, killing Yeri only for money even though all of the gang has it? She wouldn't even get given the most, and why kill her in the kitchen when she isn't likely to have money on her? It doesn't make sense. You'd have to be stupid to kill one of Jihyo's gang". Jisoo nodded "Yeah, it doesn't explain Nayeon either. I know we have no proof it was the same person but what are the chances we have to two killers in the space of a day?". "Yeah but, Jihyo and Irene have been in solitary confinement, maybe the killer took their absence as an opportunity to go after the gang, the rest of them aren't that tough without their leaders. And we are making the assumption Nayeon and Yeri were the only targets, we've been under lockdown and strict security, who is to say that when things go back to normal the murders won't start happening again?" Rosé added in a tone that got more panicked the longer she spoke. Jennie sighed "we still don't have an explanation for Nayeon. Why would anyone go after her? She had nothing to do with Jihyo's gang". The table sat in silence as they thought about it yet again. Jennie was right, they could speculate till the cows came home about why someone would target Jihyo's gang but Nayeon's murder simply didn't make sense.

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