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Jennie ran her hand through her light brunette hair nervously as she stood wearing an orange prison jumpsuit. She was in the holding room, light turquoise walls and white floors, it reminded her of a hospital but without the chemical smell. The petit girl had never felt so uncomfortable in her entire life, the daughter of a wealthy businessman who grew up in luxury was now stood waiting for her urine sample to be approved by the doctor to ensure she wasn't on drugs. As she waited, a prison officer sat at a white table asking her lots of questions about her life and her background, jotting her answers down on a profile that was being built on her. Her height, weight, arm span, facial features, everything was being documented. As Jennie looked at her feet attempting to contain her emotions, wondering in her mind how the hell her life came to this, the doctor in a uniform and white jacket gave the officer at the tabe the thumbs up, to indicate the results where negative, Jennie was not on any drugs.

The officer stood up and walked near Jennie and the two guards beside her, all wearing black uniforms with caps, they looked like military Jennie thought. "Right then Miss Kim, that is pretty much everything. The guards will explain some of the in house rules to you as they take you to your cell", the man handed Jennie a dark grey blanket, pillow and prison fatigues, the fatigues were a simple t-shirt and pants the same colour as her jumpsuit. Jennie grimaced a litte at the feel of the sheets and pillow, her entire life she had been given the best, bed sheets, clothes, furniture covers all of the highest quality, the items she was now both holding and wearing were probably the only time she'd ever touched such cheap and unpleasant materials.

Jennie gasped as she was taken through the corridors into Cell Block E, one of many blocks in this huge prison. She looked up at what must of been ten floors all full of cell rooms going right the way round in a rectangle. Her heart began to sink as reality started to kick in, she took in every detail, the bland cream walls, the militray looking prison wardens guarding every door and staircase, the large nets hanging just below the second floor level to prevent anyone being killed if they fell off the sides (or were thrown off by another prisoner or themselves). She became enormously uncomfortable as she witnessed the many faces of prisoners staring at her through their barred cell doors, some of whom were wolf whistling. She pretended she couldn't hear all the cat calling and taunts being thrown at her as she was escorted to her cell on the 7th floor by wardens. She was amazed at just how many inmates there are here, there must be a hundred in this block alone and there are a lot of blocks, Jennie was shocked that there were so many women in prison that they could fill up a building this huge, Jennie also noted that every single warden was male.

"Here is your room Miss Kim, I'm sure you'll find it just as comfortable as the 5* hotels you're used to" the warden sneered as he and the other officer laughed while locking the heavy white cell door behind Jennie. "Lights out!", she heard a man yell as suddenly the entire building went dark. Jennie placed the pillow and blanket on the low crappy looking single bed that she could just about see as she sat down, she gasped sharply in shock as the movement of her new cellmate across from her startled the brunette, she had almost forgotten she wasn't alone. "Hi, my name is Rosé" a soft voice said as the dark haired girl across rolled over in her bed, facing Jennie, not that either of them could see each other. "I-I..I'm Jennie" she responded nervously, unsure of the situation. "I would say it was nice to meet you Jennie but due to the circumstances we both know that would be a lie" Rosé jested in the hope to ease Jennie's nerves. Jennie chuckled lightly before Rosé continued, "Seriously though the wardens told me you'd never done time before which is probably why you've been put in with me, this is my first time in prison too though I've been here nearly 4 years now. We don't have to be bestfriends forever or anything but I'm letting you know that, and I say this fully aware of the irony, I am not infact a bad person and I'm here for you if you need help through this". Jennie bowed politely even though she knew the other girl couldn't see her, "Thank you Rosé, It's a comfort to know that I have someone I can talk to, this is...so much to handle already" she said with a frown as her eyes began to swell. Rosé sighed "Yeah, the first year is the hardest, although that's what I used to believe but now...ugh I'd happily relive that first 12 months over and over". Jennie furrowed her eyebrows "What do you mean?". The cellmate sighed again, much heavier this time "Just a word to the wise ok? Stay away from Lisa Manoban, don't talk to her, don't approach her, don't make eye contact with her, don't even be noticed by her. The last thing you want is that nutjob being made aware of you". Jennie tilted her head still confused "Who is Lisa Manoban and why should I be so worried?. Rosé couldn't help but laugh a little "Damn you really are new aren't you. Lisa is a real nasty piece of work, there is two major factions in this prison, she is the leader of the worst one, she is completely crazy and enjoys it. I don't even know why she's in this place, she should be in a maximum secruity hospital for the criminaly insane, seriously she is vile. Keep away".

Orange Is the New BLACKPINK. Jenlisa AUWhere stories live. Discover now