One To Go

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Park Chaeyoung, a sweet and gentle girl from Australia. Modest family, spiritual, intelligent if not naïve, shy. The last person you would expect to find in a prison, yet here she was. A sentenced criminal, and in the most Park Chaeyoung way imaginable, simply trusting someone she shouldn't have trusted, helping out someone she shouldn't have helped. Typical Park Chaeyoung, the idiot. So different from Rosé, the person she wanted to be. Confident, sexy, talented, outgoing.  But how can you know someone is a criminal unless they tell you? Jason did not wear a super villain outfit, he did not have a huge scar across his face and an ear missing. Nothing about Jason demonstrated the person he really was, totally ordinary, so she thought. Handsome, charming, funny. Now she rots in prison, getting dragged into things she doesn't want to be dragged into, beaten up, friend's murdered, maybe her next? Who knows, anything could happen to her in here because of one guy, one untrustworthy, heartless pig. Her situation wasn't what angered Rosé the most, what really hurt was that she thought she was falling in love with him. Yes true, she had only known him for a couple of weeks, but they clicked instantly, he made her feel a way nobody had before. Being a trainee, she didn't have much time for dating and Rosé knew it would be forbidden once she got close to debuting anyway, but then there was Jason, who sadly was her know. Jason was a liar, he faked all the feelings he told Rosé he had, all so she would do his dirty work unknowingly, because she trusted him. Maybe this is kind of how Jennie feels?

"Ugh" Rosé grumbled as she got out of bed, Joy snoring across from her in the other one, the older girl smiled at the sight of her cellmate, half dangling off of the bed. How Joy could sleep through the alarm and wake up call was anyone's guess, it was amusing to the Australian. "Joy, come on it is time to get up" Rosé said softly as she gently shook the younger girl from her deep sleep. Joy frowned like a child, pulling the blanket over her face, refusing to get up, "I'm sleepy unnie". "Ah come on, the lockdown is lifted today remember? You will be able to get back to your horribly corrupt game of Monopoly, and I can sit in the cell pretending I can't see you putting Hotels on property you didn't buy. Joy giggled as she lowered the blanket "you saw that? Oops. In my defence I wouldn't have to cheat so much if the others played fair. Jisoo hides money from a different Monopoly set up her sleeves!". Rosé grabbed the younger girl's hands and pulled her up out of bed "yes Joy, you are the real victim here yep! Absolutely on your side now come on" she said with a smirk as her cellmate grinned at her.

The atmosphere in Cell Block E in the two months since Nayeon and Yeri had been murdered had changed, it was going to be interesting for Rosé to see how everyone would be now the lockdown curfew was finally being lifted. Would things go back to normal? Would everyone be scared still? After-all, the killer of either girl still hadn't been caught, the only reason the lockdown was being lifted was due to the wardens being under staffed and underpaid and other cells in the prison being left with way less security than they were supposed to.

Rosé dried her hair in the shower rooms with her towel, which was pretty time consuming considering how long and thick her hair was. She suddenly became nervous as someone came up behind her, causing her to turn around sharply, her heart pounding. "Shit sorry Rosie, didn't mean to scare you, it's these socks, they're so soft they don't make a noise when I walk" the creeping girl said with a cheesy grin. The Australian breathed a sigh of relief "oh hey Amber. It's not your fault, I'm just a little jumpy today". Amber patted Rosé's shoulder "yeah there's gonna be a lot of that going around today I reckon. It's fucked up that whoever did it is with us, just walking around like normal". Rosé sighed with nerves "I still can't believe the police and wardens still don't know who it is, there is over 100 people in this block, how did nobody see anything". Amber nodded "Totally screwed right? Call me a conspiracy theorist but it all seems shady as fuck to me. There were tons of witnesses that saw the chick Nayeon, yet they haven't interviewed any witnesses at all in months, Hyuna and Tzuyu were the last two people they spoke to about it. And nobody at all saw Yeri? Fucked up man". The two girls stood in silence for a few seconds both creeped out before Hyuna appeared to walk to the food hall with Amber. "Anyway Rosie I'll see you around, keep safe dude" the American girl said as she gave the younger girl a friendly hug and left.

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