Another Crazy Party!!!

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***Dylan POV***

I woke up with Kaitlyn in my arms and I was hungry so I woke up Kaitlyn.

"Kaitlyn wake up, I want food" I said and she shot up.

"FOOOOOOD" she screamed to the top of her lungs. I felt like I went deaf in one ear but the I didn't.

"Did you have to scream"

"Yeas and I want iHop"

"Ok, do you want to drive or me?"

"I dont know"

"Ok, I'll drive" 

"Ok who'a paying because I'm alittle broke wait, I'm a lot of broke"

"I'll pay the guy always pays"

"K" she said and I grabbed my money and keys and we left. When we got there we got a booth. Kaitlyn got 4 waffles, bacon and got orange juice. I got 3 pancakes, eggs, 2 peice of bacon.

"So how you been" I said

"Good besides the part were I got beaten"

"I meant how are you besides that part"

"It was good till I said yes to Haunter then it was leaving hell."

"Yeah. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you sooner."

"Yeah you better be"

"I am, and Im love you and I'm so truely sorry this was all my fault"

"No it's not"

"Yes it is and if I never left you this would have necver happened"

"Yeah, it kind of is since I see it like that" she said and I just looked at her"

"I'm a bitch"

"I know but you my bitch"

"Yeah.......wait a minute should I be happy about that or nah"

"Be happy because that means I will never let anyone hurt you and will you be girlfriend again plaese, I miss you and love you and I dont what you to be with another guy"

"" she said in a joking way I hope, I got a worried look on my face and I was about to cry.

"I mean yes you big dope"

"Yay" I said and put a smile on my face.  We ate our food and then this girl came up to us.

"Hey you guys look cool, can you come to my party tonight and being your friends" she said with a big smile and hqanding us the invition 

"No" Kaitlyn said and then says "Yeah sure why not. A little party neever killed no body" 

"Ok thank you and how many friends will you guys being"

"I dont know the Magcon boys and some of there girlfriends and friends"

"Oh my gosh you know them"

"Yeah, are you fan of them"

"No, i hate them but it would bring up my credit at school so yeah being them please and thank you guys so much for coming bye" she said and left.

"Well that was weird' I said

"Yeah, this party will be fun"

"I dont know, it couyld be trap"

"Stop being your worried self, you and the rest of the guys will be there, even Jaiden" she said. She is acting like anything happened. I just dont want hwer to get hurt or  anything, I worry to much but it's a good thing at some points but them=n a bad this at other parts, that's why me and Kaitlyn broke up the first time because I was worrying to much, maybe I should have more trust in her. I'm just happy I'm back with her, and who knows maybe this party was going to be a good thing.

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