Please Stay

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***Few Days Later***

***Cassie POV***

I woke up and it was a nice day but today was the day Hayes was thinking about going back home, and today was the day I was going to ask him out but now I don't know if I should or not. He as stayed a month and he was onlyn going to stay for 2 weeks and I was sad to see him go. I got up and went to living room and turned on the Tv and started watching Glee, yes I love Glee get over it. Soon Kaitlyn came out.

"Hey" she said


"What's up"

"Not much but can you help me with something"

"Yeah. What is it"

"Today Hayes was going to leave but I was also going to ask him out tonight but now I don't know what to do"

"Ask him to stay and then ask him out"

"Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that"

"Because I did"

"Ok, when should I ask him out"

"In 20 minutes because he could already have his things packed so you better hurry"

"Ok" I said and went to my room to get my phone and saw I had a text from Hayes. It said

"Hey just wanted you to come over because my plane leaves at 10am and I wanted to see you" I read and then looked at the time and saw it 9:20, I had 30 minutes, so I put on my OFWGKTA tank top and black jeans on, grabbed my keys and my phone and drove to the house. When I gpt there Hayes was waiting out side with his suit cases next to him. So I ran up to him and jumped and he caught me and I gave him a hug

"Hey Cassie" he said

"Hayes do you have to leave"

"Yeah, sorry but there is not reason to stay for me because you picked Taylor over me"

"No I didn't"

"Then why haven't you told me"

"Because I wanted time to be by myself and I wanted to wait till Kaitlyn's and Danna's birthday over just in case I do something"

"Ok, but I don't know if I could stay though because I gave my room to Dylan and no one wants to take your room just incase you come back, we want you to have a room to stay in."

"Dylan could have my room here or at Kaitlyn's house but that's up to her, or we could share a room"

"I like the last idea the best7 but let me call the taxi and tell him not to come because I told him to start coming at 9:45 because the airport is  a few minutes away and I  waanted to see if you would come say bye to me"

"Of course I would come say  bye to you, I love you too much to not"

"Yeah, I love you too"

"Ok let's go tell everyonr the great news"

"Let's go" he said and grabbed my hand and then we went in side and we both grabbed his bags with the hand we had open. When we got inside we put everything down 

"Hey guys can you come here for a second" he said and everyone came in

"Last time someone did this they said they were dating" Nash said 

"No it6's not that, I wanted to tell youu guys I'm staying"

"That's great man" Taylor said

"Yeah it is" Matt

"Group hug" Cam said and we all had a group hug.

"Wait what room are you taking" Dylan asked\

"I am staying Cassie's room"

"But that's for when Cassie is coming back" Cam said

"Yeah, if I do come back we will just sleep in th same room but different beds, or Dylan can have my room at Kaitlyn's house and Hayes has his old room back and I get my room. So everything works out" I said

"Wait you never said anything about the different beds when you were talking about it with me"

"Yeah but I  thought they would be good just incase." I said and he just looked at me.

"Well whatever we are happy you are staying" Madison said

"Yeah, I'm go unpack"

"I'll help you" I said and we walked to my old room were everything was still where I left it.

"Wo, have you guys moved anyhting since I left"

"Nope, we just come in here when we need to talk ing private or just need to think and this is the best room to do because it reminds us of you and it helps to think of you"


"Yeah, we all come in here at least once a day"

"Wow, what do you guys think about"

"Well I think about if you miss it here and if you are going to come back here or if you want to forget about us and move on and if you really loved me, then why did you leave me but the I remember that I was always yelling at you for getting drunk or if I could have sone something to get you to stay or" he said before I cut him off

"Ok I get it you thought a lot about things and I'm sorry but the reason I left is because I need freedom I don't know if  you could have done something or say thing I really don't know but I do know that I love you ao much  I am happy to be back togethr with you or at least in talking friend way"

"I love you too"

"Ok let's get to unpack your self and pack all my stuff up"

"You know you don't have to, you could just beng your stuff back and we could live in the same house, same room and same bed please"

"Hayes, I can't just leave Kaitlyn like that, we have been planning on living together since we met and I can't just leave her not unless Dylan moves in with her so she won't be alone and what if Haunter comes back, I can't take the risk of her being hurt and me not being there"

"You didn't know where she was for a few days when we were figuring things out"

"Yeah that's different I knew she went to Jaiden's for a night because she was drunk and had no way of getting home and then I started worrying after the 3 day"

"After the 3 day? Cassie please"


"What if I get Dylan to move in with her then will you move in here with me please, I miss you and every day i t's breaking my heart with ou t you here"

"Ok but only if you get Dylan to move in with her"

"Ok, give me 2 days and if he says no then you can start to pack"

"Ok but you have to ask Kaitlyn too, you now that right"

"Oh right then give me 3 days, Kaitlyn will need at least  2 days and Dylan will need at least an hour because he is so easy, he will say yes probably the quickest and then you will have  to stay because I will have gotten both of them to say yes"

"Ok then but you are still unpacking your stuff because you are moving in here one way or another'

"Don't have to tell me twice"

"Ok" I said and we started unpacking his things.

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