chapter 1: Ivory Squadron

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A/N: This is my first story. So I shall apologize now for it not being good.

Poe Dameron was, no, is the best pilot in the Resistance. So, who is (Y/N) (L/N) and why was everyone talking about her. Don't get Poe wrong he wasn't egocentric or anything (maybe a little cocky but not egocentric). He just wanted to know who she was.

Just around the same time the whispers of (Y/N) started, whispers about the Ivory Squadron started. The Ivory Squadron was a group of 7 fighters: 1 woman and 6 men. Rumor was that Ivory Squadron had three other leaders before the current one, whether a member of the squadron killed them or the squadron just had bad luck, no one knew. The squadron was receiving such attention due to their recent take down of 2 Star Destroyers and naturally the (what felt like) hundreds of TIE fighters that came with it.

Poe rolled his eyes as Yolo Ziff exaggerated the story again but, people need something to talk about don't they. Poe stopped listening again Ivory Squadron was a tap and go team basically, they weren't stationed anywhere. The stopped here and there for fuel, food, and rest but other than that they were in the air completing missions. His mind however wondered to (Y/N). She was familiar, the name was at least.

"Did you know that (Y/N) is a Commander? Head of Ivory Squadron is what I heard." Jessika Pava said. Well, that caught Poe's attention.

"Jess repeat what you just said." Poe said surprising everyone.

"(Y/N) is a commander and head of Ivory Squadron." Jessika said again so Poe could hear.

"Thats right Poe should know a lot. Come on, Poe, tell us the good stuff." Yolo said.

"Sorry guys, I know just as much as you." Poe said smirking at everyone. He earned a growl of 'come on' and 'you liar'.

"Come on, Poe. We aren't stupid." Yolo pushed.

"Even if I did know why would I give up the fun of watching you guys struggle to figure out what's true and what's not?" Poe asked making everyone groan and himself laugh.

"So you do know something." Snap Wexley said.

"Not what I said." Poe shot back.

"But it's what you meant." Jessika quickly said making everyone lean forward again.

"Commander Dameron." A voice called him, it was a runner for Command Center. Everyone at the table yelled at the runner making the poor thing jump.

"Come on, man." Bastian said.

"Not cool." Jessika groaned. Snap shook his head and they all stared at the runner.

"Yes?" Poe said trying not to laugh and his comrades disappointment.

"General Organa asked for you in Command Center. Its about a mission to aid Ivory Squadron and lead them here to base." The runner said. Poe took the last bite of his food.

"Blue Squadron, get ready to go." Poe said as he got up and left. Poe jogged to Command Center. BB-8 at some point joined Poe following him in the Command Center. He could hear another voice talking with General Organa.

"Ma'am." Poe announced as he walked near to her.

"Ah good Commander Dameron. I need you to go and help Commander (L/N) and the Ivory Squadron back here. I've sent you their coordinates. Commander (L/N), back up is on its way."

Poe and BB-8 ran (and rolled) to his x-wing. He climbed in and started up his x-wing.

"You ready, Buddy?" Poe asked. Happy beeping came from behind him and Poe smiled. "Me too."


(Y/N) won't lie. It wasn't a pretty situation. She didn't expect to run into a bunch of TIE fighters. Honestly, she wanted to get sleep just as much as her men and after watching Kasmer nearly crash because he fell asleep, they needed to land somewhere. It just so happened General Organa wanted them at the main base. (Y/N) trusted her men but the back up was needed.

"This is Commander Dameron. We are here to assist you." (Y/N) heard as the other squadron arrived. She let out a loud sigh of relief and a finally was heard over the coms.

"BB-10 you holding up?" She called shooting down another TIE fighter. A few low beeps came through. "Ya. I know this is the longest you've been without your bed. Just hang in a couple minutes longer."

The group kept up the fight until the last TIE fighter was destroyed. All the boys let out whoops of excitement and (Y/N) caught the slight groan. She wanted to brush it off as a tired groan but she knew her men and it was highly unlikely that it was a tired groan.

Ivory and Blue Squadrons landed and quickly (Y/N) got out and watched her nen get out trying to find who was in pain. When Ty nearly fell getting out she double checked his body walking closer to him. She immediately spotted what she was looking for. When she finally reached him, he nearly collapsed. She grabbed his arm and wrapped it around her shoulder helping him walk.

"We need a medical team!" She yelled. As quick as they came they were gone taking Ty with them. The 6 of them watched in shocked horror as their comrade was taken away on a stretcher.

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