Chapter sixteen: Breathing Room

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The whole base was on high alert for weeks after the destruction of the Star Killer Base. (Y/N) spent most of her time in the command center speaking and helping where she could. Poe was training recruits, fixing ships, and running small recon missions. Finn was still in a Comma after he was injuried by Kylo Ren and Rey was just floating around either with Finn waiting for him to wake up, planning their trip to find Luke with (Y/N), or learning hand to hand combat with Poe. (Y/N) gave Rey her old room seeing as she had moved in with Poe.

One night, a month after the destruction of the Star Killer Base, (Y/N) was staring at herself in the mirror while Poe was working on his holopad. He glanced up when he heard her grumbling. He smiled at her as he went back to what he was doing.

"Something wrong?" He asked smile not leaving his face.

"I look fat." She said. Poe could hear her frown and smiled.

"Really? Cause I thought you looked pregnant." He said.

"What's the difference?" She huffed poking her stomach.

"You have our child in there." He said quickly her sarcastic tone came back at him.

"Oh ya that's where I hid it." Poe chuckled and set his holopad down and got up to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You wanna know what I see. My beautiful wife carrying our beautiful baby. It makes me excited when I think about what we done." He whispered into her ear. (Y/N) snorted.

"No you get excited when you think about what we did in order to get us here." (Y/N) said leaning back into Poe.
(Y/N) was looking over a map. She was staring at it in annoyance. The images were live. There were people in the bases but they weren't doing anything other than what looked like training. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"Come back. If they aren't doing anything there is no reason for us to engage." (Y/N) said sharing a look with General Organa. "That's the last base we know of. It's almost as if they are backing off."

"Maybe the attack on Star Killer did more damage than we thought?" General Holdo suggested.

"We can't be certain. That is why we are sending you, Rey, and Chewbacca a couple weeks earlier." General Organa said.

"Chewie is finishing packing then we will be going. We've been ready to go for a while." (Y/N) said crossing her arms. "Ma'am, I want to take BB-10 with me."

"Why?" She asked giving (Y/N) a curious look.

"Communications between me and my men will be easier. Plus, Poe can be.. Can be... Well he can be a little Poe. It'll be easier to keep him under a little better control without me here." (Y/N) said shrugging. General Holdo laughed a little and General Organa smiled.

"I don't get it. You are very calm and he is the exact opposite." General Holdo said as they walked away from the table. General Organa and (Y/N) spoke at the same time.

"Thats what makes us work."

"Thats what makes them work."

"I dont get it." General Holdo said.

"Well let me put it this way. Together we make a full day. He is the day and I am the night. One can't happen without the either." She said.

(Y/N) finished tying her boots and and picked up the letter she wrote to Poe. She looked at it for a second longer before leaving it on the small table in their room. As she left, she turned off the light and sighed. She didnt know when she would be back she just hoped it didn't take 6 months.

(Y/N) was checking a few things in the cockpit then walked out to find Rey. Rey was speaking with General Organa so (Y/N) walked over to Chewbacca and helped him. BB-10 rolled around beeping happily making (Y/N) laugh. Rey came ocer and the two smiled at each other.

"I figured that we could switch off and on with flying cause I miss flying and you enjoy flying." (Y/N) said.

"Sounds like a plan." Rey agreed as Chewbacca called for them to get on, BB-10 hot on their heels.
Poe was just on the longest mission of his life. He wouldn't blame the others. They were new and weren't exactly the confident which was why he asked for Kaller and Jarret. Yolo, Snap, Jessika, Kasmer, Maric, and Lee were on a recon mission or he would have had more help. He didn't care. All Poe cared about right now was laying next to (Y/N) and snuggling until they fell asleep.

Like always Kaller tried to get a goodnight kiss from Poe and when he failed fake cried and pretended to be offended. Jarret gave Poe a fist bump saying that they would talk about the report over breakfast tomorrow. Poe rubbed his face as he opened the door and turned on the light which startled him. (Y/N) would turn it on when she came in and she should have been here by now. Then he spotted it, a letter. Poe. He let out a breath and opened it.

Dear Poe,
Due to the inactivity of the First Order, General Organa, General Holdo, and I decided to move it up just in case they were planning to follow us or something. No one was allowed to know until after we left. I left you this letter to tell you I love you and that I'll see yoy when we get back. I know thinking before you act is not your strong suit but please try. Don't forget a connection between BB-8 and BB-10 is set up for communications.

Love you forever,

Poe stared at the letter for a minute before reading it again. He felt like he read it half dozen times but it still wasn't enough. Quickly, he went to find General Organa. He reacjed command and saw her checking a report.

"Ma'am?! Ma'am?!" He called walking over to him.

"Ah commander. I was waiting for you actually." She said looking at him. "You are wondering why I let (Y/N) go and why we didn't tell you." Poe nodded.

"Yes. I can't believe this." He said.

"(Y/N) knew that we need someone other than Chewbacca guarding Rey and someone in the head of command that both Rey trusted and us. On top of that sge recognized that it would be safer for her and the baby if she did." General Organa said standing up and walking out. Poe went to say something further but she held up her hand. "If you have anymore questions ask General Dameron, because I know for a fact that she left how to get into connect with her. Goodnight, Poe." Poe sighed and nodded.

"Goodnight General Organa." Poe went back to the room and read the letter once more. "BB-8 connect with BB-10."

"Hey Poe." It was Rey. She was chewing on something.

"Hey. Is (Y/N) around?" He asked.

"Ya. I was just about to switch with her. Wait here." Rey left and (Y/N) returned.

"No food in the cockpit while flying Rey." (Y/N) said. "Hey Poe."

"Hey. Can I ask you something?" He said.

"Is that question why?" She said sitting down. He nodded not knowing how to respond. "I volunteered because I knew I would be safer the baby would be safer and Rey was very sheltered growing up she needed someone who she trusted and someone General Organa trusted."

"Okay. I just wasn't expecting you to not be here." He said.

"I know but if I'm needed desperately Kaller and Jarret both have a way other than using BB's, okay?" She said. "Poe, I love you." Poe smiled and nodded.

"I love you two, too."

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