Chapter Eight:(Flashbacks) Whats One Without the Other

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A/N: Just a friendly reminder that Poe is one year older than the insert.

Poe knew at age 5 as he helped (Y/N) into his room that he wanted to be by her side forever.

Poe knew at age 6 as he held (Y/N) while she slept that he never wanted to leave her like her mother left and that he wanted to be by her side forever.

Poe knew at age 9 as he reached to hold (Y/N)'s hand that what he felt for her wasn't the same thing he felt for his parents or BB-8. It was stronger and made him nervous but he wanted to be by her side forever.

Poe knew at age 10 as he climbed into (Y/N)'s window that the worry he felt for her was something he never felt for someone else not even BB-8, and he loved BB-8. He just wanted to hold her like always, just wanted to be by her side forever.

Poe knew at age 14 as he ran to get the healer that he would have to take care of (Y/N). He wanted to prove to her how much he wanted to be by her side forever. But a few days after her father's death knew he wasn't going to be able to be by her side forever. He looked at the picture his parents took of them at the Republic day festival and knew it would never leave his side.

Poe stopped smiling. He stopped causing trouble. He very rarely left his room. How was he suppose to do anything? (Y/N) was the brains of the operation. He wasn't stupid that's not what Poe was saying. He just couldn't think as fast as her in sticky situations. Poe wanted to be alone but his father had enough of the silence. Kes Dameron walked into Poe's room one morning and picked him up by his ankles.

"Oh Maker! Dad what are you doing?!" Poe yelled clearly annoyed with what his dad was doing.

"Getting you out of this rut." He said dropping Poe on the floor. "(Y/N) is gone and I get that it upsets you but what you are waiting for isn't in your room. Now, you want to be a pilot. So, you are going to have to learn how to do (Y/N)'s part in you schemes. Get dress. After breakfast I'm going to teach you the basics of how to do that." Kes said placing his hands on his hips. Poe grumbled as he stood up. "What was that?"

"Nothing. Nothing." Poe said. Kes smiled and left.

Slowly, Poe forgot about the pain that he felt and at 17 Poe was able to smile without (Y/N) and without forcing it. He had a new appreciation for what (Y/N) would do. Being able to think ten steps ahead and two steps behind will continue to be something Poe is okay at.

"You turn 18 in a couple months." Kes said as he watched Poe get up off the ground. "The training won't be easy. Keep your arms higher when you block."

"Okay. I don't want it to be easy. I want a challenge." Poe said as he got into a fighting stance.

"Welcome to The New Republic training. We are here to train you to be the best." The smile never left Poe's face. At least not until he realized how The New Republic refused to do anything to the First Order.

So, at age 23 he was surprised when Major Caluan Ematt pulled him into a room to meet General Organa. She demanded the information he had about Yissira Zyde. Yissira Zyde was a freighter ship that Poe received a distress signal for. It was attacked by TIE Fighters.

He split from the main group while they were patrolling after his request from to investigate why the TIE Fighters attacked Yissira Zyde had been denied. He thought General Organa was there to punish him not ask him to defect from the New Republic to join the Resistance.

"I'm a Republic officer, General. I swore an oath to protect the Republic, to-" Poe started but was cut off by General Organa.

"No, you misunderstand. I like it. It was rash of you, as I said, it was foolish. But we could use some rash these days, and foolish and passionate are often confused, and passion is something we desperately need." She said.

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