Chapter Eleven: Jealous, Are we?

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Poe was finishing a report when BB-8 beeped at him. (Y/N) wasn't coming over anymore. That's weird usually when she made that decision nothing changed it.

"Did she say why?" Poe asked. Couple more beeps. No reason just that she couldn't make it. That deeply bothered Poe, she usually always gave a reason. His first reaction was to go check on her but he knew she would be upset if he abruptly burst through her door.

The next morning Poe walked over to her room with BB-8 beeping at his ankles. He nodded at the others who were waiting for he guessed Kaller. Like always. He knocked on (Y/N)'s door and did not expect it to be opened by Kaller. Poe was thrown off.

"Oh hi Poe. (Y/N) is getting dressed but you can go in. You see that enough anyways." Kaller giggled. Kaller walked over and drapped himself on Lee before the group left. Poe entered (Y/N)'s room and watched as she pulled on her pants.

"Kaller I said shut the door!" She huffed as she zipped and buttoned her pants.

"Not Kaller." He said a little harshly. (Y/N) looked up and smiled.

"Oh, hey Poe." She said as she walked over and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth. She walked around him and grabbed her shirt. "You're awfully quiet this morning something wrong?"

"No. No. Just didn't sleep well. I was up finishing my report on my last recon mission." He lied.

"I thought that report was almost done." She said.

"Not as much as I thought I guess." He said shrugging.

"You're a horrible liar." She said looking at her holopad. "Oh. Head down to breakfast I have to see General Organa first then I will be down."
Poe sat down with his tray. He watched the rest all sit down. Everyone could tell that something with Poe was off and nobody sat next to him for fear of being the target of his annoyance. 20 minutes into breakfast (Y/N) and General Mortez entered the dining area and seemed to be in a heat conversation.

"Because as your superior I am commanding you to deal with it." Mortez said. (Y/N) laughed at her.

"You aren't a superior in anyway." She yelled.

"I am in every way Commander and you will show me respect." She demanded.

"No you arent and do you want to know why because unlike you everyone here has given their life everyday. You have sat in command this whole war. You got where you are because of lucky chances. Hell you became a general because of what we as Ivory Squadron have done." Poe stood up and slowly made his way over.

"Anyone could have done what you did. You're just a commander because you know General Organa's husband in a way none of us do." Before (Y/N) could react Poe grabbed her and pulled her away from the situation.

"General Mortez. What were you say about me putting Commander (L/N) in her position?" Someone had gotten General Organa.

"Oh Ma'am I... Uh... It was just..." Mortez rambled and General Organa just raised an eyebrow.

"I do not allow anyone to say that. Anyone. You are being demoted. You will handle communications from the Inner Rim. Commander (L/N), a word." General Organa said. (Y/N) slowly dislodged herself from Poe and followed General Organa.

"Ma'am this is a little bit of an overreaction, don't you think. Many of my groups have excelled under my guidance." Mortez said.

"No they haven't. Ivory Squadron has excelled due to their own abilities and their flawless leadership and you had no part of it. On top of that you poked at a foundation that had been working perfectly fine. Now, Commander." With that (Y/N) and General Organa left the dining area and Mortez stormed out. Poe let out a sigh and sat back down. It was going to be a long day.
"Ma'am. I want to apologize now. I pushed it beyond a point I shouldn't have I will take any punishment you are going to give me." She said. General Organa simply laughed at her.

"(Y/N), calm down I'm not going to punish you. You did nothing wrong other than defend your men which is held high in my book. I assume everything was handled with Kaller?" General Organa said. (Y/N) was thrown off. She was very confused.

"Uh ya I'm pretty sure everything that was wrong has been addressed. He was worried the First Order was trying to kill us one by one. He wanted to sleep with me because I make him feel safe. Me. I don't get it." (Y/N) said with a laugh.

"Your men trust you because after all these years you have never turned your back on them. Any other commander would have taken her word and done it and would have lost not only Lee and Kaller's trust but everyone else's. Now go get breakfast your men are most likey worried as well as Poe." General Organa said smiling.

(Y/N) entered the dining area and was attacked by Kaller. He buried his head in her neck and Kasmer did too. Maric and Lee joined the hug and laughed as (Y/N) groaned. Everyone stopped and looked at Jarret who was still sitting.

"Jarret get your ass over here we are trying to have a family moment." Kaller said. Jarret sighed and stood up and walked over hugging the group. Everyone returned to their seats and (Y/N) went to grab food. She set her tray down next to Poe and sat next to him. He looked up at her.

"Oh you're sitting next to me?" He bitterly said.

"Um I usually do." She said confused. After she finished eating she stood up and walked over to Kaller and leaned her arms on Kaller's shoulders. She leaned down and spoke with him and Lee before kissing Kaller's cheek making him laugh. Poe had enough. He got up and grabbed (Y/N)'s arm.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked her. He looked at everyone for a moment. "Alone."

"Yeah sure." She said following Poe to his room. He pushed her against the wall after he shut the door and roughly kissed her.

"You dont kiss anyone else. Okay?" He growled as (Y/N) she planted kisses along his neck.

"If Kaller is who you are jealous of might I remind you he is with Lee." She said in between kisses as she pushed his jacket off.

"He didn't have a problem with you last night." He huffed. (Y/N) froze and sighed.

"Is that what this is about you think I cheated on you with Kaller?" She said.
"How are you so nonchalant about it?" He asked.

"Because Kaller was scared and he wanted to sleep with me because I make him feel safe. After Ty's death and after he got his ankle caught in the rope trap he thought the First Order was trying to pick us off one by one, so he was scared." She said. Poe leaned his head against her shoulder.

"I feel awful now." He mumbled. (Y/N) ran a hand through his hair humming.

"Could you maybe ask me next time? You know I will openly tell you." She mumbled.

"I know. I just... I don't know what I was thinking I'm just-"

"Stubborn. I know." She said kissing him.
2 months later (Y/N) threw up what was left in her stomach. She groaned as the memory of what the healer had told her. Pregnant. The second she heard that she stopped listening. How was she going to tell, Poe? She was staring at herself in the mirror.

"Hey (Y/N). General Organa wants to see us." Poe said. (Y/N) walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her sweater putting it on.

"I'm sending you two to Tuanul on Jakku to retrieve a map leading to Luke Skywalker from Lor San Tekka. Take BB-8 with you and take one ship." General Organa said. Poe and (Y/N) looked at each other.

"Rule One?" She asked.

"Rule One." Poe said with a nod. "We leave in 30 minutes."

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