Chapter four: The First Loss

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Ivory Squadron was known for being "untouchable". While they very rarely got hurt, they had never lost one of their comrades. The boys never counted the previous commanders because by the words of the boys only if the death hit them hard. The other commanders didn't work well with them. They felt that they should have complete control but (Y/N) was different. She knew when she needed to use her power and when she needed to listen to the boys. This made them close it was basically a family. The youngers often calling (Y/N) mom and Jarret Dad.

So when the words critical condition left the runners mouth. (Y/N) and her 5 men were on their feet. No laughter, no smiles. Just serious and worried faces. (Y/N) turned to Poe and her voice left no room for discussion.

"Poe, take us to the medical area." He nodded and stood up. The 6 followed Poe and were quiet. Deathly quiet. This worried Poe. They reached the medical area and the 6 spotted Ty and ran to him. (Y/N) sat next to Ty in the chair and took his hand.

"Ty." (Y/N) said as he weakly gripped her hand back.

"(Y/N)." He said a happy tone to his voice that broke everyones heart a little.

"I'm right here. We all are." She said. Ty looked over and smiled at the guys.
"You all look like we are at a funeral." Ty said laughing. A nurse walked over and whispered in (Y/N)'s ear.

"He doesn't have long." There goes the rest of (Y/N)'s heart. She nodded at the nurse and thanked her.

"Commander I want to ask for your forgiveness." He said making her head snap back at him.

"My forgiveness? Ty, you are laying in this bed bleeding and you want to ask my forgiveness? If anyone should ask for forgiveness it should be me. I failed you as a commander, as a comrade, as a friend." She said in shock.

"As a mother." Kaller grumbled. Kasmer smacked him in the back of the head. Ty laughed then coughed.

"There is nothing to forgive. You've been the best commander ever." Ty said.

"If there is nothing for you to forgive then I have nothing to forgive too." She said.

"No, there is. I promised you when I got hurt in Jakku, that I would tell if I was hit no matter what. I didn't tell you my ship got hit by scrap from a TIE fighter. I thought it just clipped me. I'm sorry." He said. (Y/N) put a hand on his cheek.

"There is nothing to forgive. Everyone makes in battle decision like that its okay. Everything is going to be alright." (Y/N) said. Ty's eyes rolled back and he died with a smile on his face. Kaller hugged Kasmer not wanting to look at his friend any longer. After a couple minutes (Y/N) finally spoke.

"We have had a long day. Lets head to bed then we will go from there." (Y/N) said standing up. The group walked in silence again only it was a different a grim silence. Everyone went to their rooms. "Poe."

"Uh ya." He said looking at her. He caught her gaze.

"Its good to see you again." She said.

"Naturally, it gets boring without this much awesome." She let out an amused sound before entering her room.
(Y/N) was in a garden. She knew what garden it was. It was the courtyard garden from her home in Naboo. She was in her normal Naboo outfit. It was based on one of Queen/ Senator Padme Amidala's dresses. Her mother had it made after she saw one of the dress Padme wore while on the lake. (Y/N) will admit it, the dress was the only time they actually agreed on something. The pastel colors were just beautiful.

(Y/N) walked into the garden further. She could hear the party in full swing. She hated those parties. Tons of people, loud crowds, and she had to act like she cared about any of the greedy old bags. (Y/N) looked up at the stars and sighed.

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