Chapter Fourteen: A Trip Down Memory Lane

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This was not how (Y/N) expected this to go. No where near. After reuniting with Han and Chewbacca, gaining their help, and learning what he was halling, (Y/N) was positive this was not how she expected her day to go. Hell, if she was being honest this was not how she expected her last 72 hours to go.

"Wait, are we sure it's safe for (Y/N) to be out here? She's pregnant." Finn pointed out. Han looked at (Y/N) surprised.

"Poe?" He asked.


"Well about time. She'll be fine." Han huffed.

"What?!" Finn said.

"Kid can take care of herself. Always has. In here. You two."

"What about BB-8 and (Y/N)?" Rey asked.

"They will stay with me."

(Y/N) feels like she was repeating herself at this point. She turned and shot at another gang member. When shots were fired back, Chewbacca grabbed (Y/N) and placed her between him and Han.

"For once stay there." Han said to her. She huffed but did as told and soon the group of five was running to the ship.

"Rey help Han. BB-8 hold on. Finn help me with Chewie." (Y/N) yelled as she grabbed her bag and looked for her first aid kit. Once she found it she went back and Chewie let her work on him.

"Oh come on!" Finn yelled as Chewie calmed enough for her to patch him.

"He just knows me Finn." She laughed as she finished. (Y/N) walked to the cockpit and looked out the window feeling a wave of nostalgia splash over her as she stared at the familiar scene.

"Welcome back." Han said smiling at the girls.

"Its the same as when I left." (Y/N) said softly.

“I didn’t know there was this much green in the whole galaxy.” Rey whispered, and  (Y/N) looked at her then smiled.

"It's so much better than you will believe when you see it up close for the first time." (Y/N) spoke softly.

They came to stop in a clearing, the forest they landed in surrounded a stone castle that towered above the foliage. Rey was the first one out of the Falcon, looking at all the sights and listening to all the sounds of the flora and fauna she missed out on growing up. (Y/N) hangs back helping Han gather equipment.

“Hey, Solo, listen, I don’t know what we’re walking into here-“ Finn started, his voice low.

“Did you just call me Solo?” Han interrupted as (Y/N) snorted loudly.

“Sorry, Han- Mr. Solo,” Finn corrects himself before going on. “You should know, I’m a big deal in the Resistance, which puts a real target on my back. Are there any conspirators here? Like, First Order sympathisers?”

“As big as her, you know highly classified, one of the best pilots, and one of the only ones the BB unit trust. Listen, ‘Big Deal’, you got another problem. Women always figure out the truth,” Han pushed a blaster into Finn’s arms. “Always.”

The older man looked at (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow. “Hm? Oh, we have already talked.” (Y/N) said as she strapped her last blaster on. “I think Rey has lived life in too much isolation to realise, though.” Han gives Finn a look before him and (Y/N) left the ship.

Finn took a deep breath before they left with Chewie to join the others. For a moment they felt like they were intruding on a conversation between Han and Rey, but they brought the topic to a close, and the group set off down one of the dirt paths towards the castle.

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