Chapter Thirteen: I'm Sorry

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Ivory Squadron sat in command and watched the status on the x-wing that (Y/N), Poe, and BB-8 had taken. It was in rest then off. Kaller never took his eyes off the status bar. Suddenly, it was started again but the engine was hit.

"No." Kaller said standing up alerting the rest to it. The group held a breath as they watched the status. BB-8 had exit the ship but the ship was still running. It quickly went from resting to on fire to destroyed making Kaller yell.

"We have to go check for survivors." He yelled getting up. Lee quickly grabbed him. "Let me go. I need her to be okay. We need her to be alive." Everybody sat quietly as they listened to Kaller's sobs. It seemed like forever before anyone spoke.

"Jarret." General Organa said softly. "I want you to take command of Ivory Squadron for the time being."

"Ma'am. I can't fill her shoes." Jarret said. "Nobody could but I'll try."

"I'll speak to Hana. Nobody else tell her." General Organa said. General Organa pulled Hana aside and spoke to her softly. Hana cried and General Organa held her.

"She was pregnant. My sister was pregnant." She sobbed.

"We know and she was willing to take the risk because she believed it was best for the Resistance." General Organa said.
Finn stumbled upon the Niima Outpost and started looking for water. He saw a water hole and started drinking out of it. Once finished he stood up and saw two girls being taken on by two thugs and the girls quickly took them out. The one girl turned and he groaned, she was the one from the pictures and she help an orange and white BB unit out of the net. Finn was not having a good day and in fact it only seemed to get worse when the BB unit started freaking out making both women look at him.

"Him? Are you sure?" The girl with the staff asked. Poe's wife looked like someone just stabbed her in the heart and that hurt Finn. Suddenly, the girl with the staff started sprinting at Finn. Finn bolted the other direction but ran right into her staff. "What's your hurry thief?"

"I'm not a thief." Finn defend. The BB unit rolled up next to him and shocked him.

"He says that jacket belongs to his master and her husband. So I ask again what's your hurry thief?" She said. Sudden realization hit Finn.

"Poe Dameron." Finn said both looked hopeful. "I helped him escape but as we were flying away the ship was shot down and he didn't make it. I'm sorry." He held the photos from his pocket out to her. Poe's wife looked like she was just shot as she reached and took the photos. BB-8 let out sad beeps before rolling off a bit. The more she flipped through the photos the quicker her tears fell.

"He never knew. He died not knowing." She sobbed. Rey covered her mouth with a hand and Finn was confused. He watched her walk off her legs wobbly.

"Never knew what?" He asked.

"She's pregnant." The girl said.

(Y/N) collapsed onto her hands and knees as her sobs shook her to the core. She felt a soft bump and looked at it. It was BB-8. She placed a hand on his head with a sad smile. He beeped at her and she nodded.

"You're right we'll finish this mission for Poe." She wiped her tears and stood up. As she put the pictures in her bag and looked down at BB-8. "Hey, did you take these photos?" BB-8 let out a couple beeps and she shook her head.

"I'm Finn." He said as she shook his hand.

"I'm Commander (Y/N) Dameron and this is Poe's BB unit BB-8." She said.

"Finn is apart of the Resistance too." Rey said. (Y/N) furrowed her eyevrows and nodded. Before anything else could be said an explosion went off.

"First Order. We have got to go." (Y/N) said. The group ran towards Rey's speeder. (Y/N) wasn't listening as they bickered but heard Finn yell.

"We need a pilot."

"We've got one." Her and Rey yelled at the same time.

"What about that ship?" Finn asked. Both looked over and Rey replied first.

"That ship is garbage." She said. Rey's speeder blew up and she answered again. "Garbage will have to do."

"You said it twice. How the hell can you sleep while calling the Millennium Falcon garbage?" (Y/N) said in complete shock.

"This is the Millennium Falcon?" Rey asked in surprise. "How do you know?"

"Story for another day." She yelled as they ran in the Falcon. "Cannon's down there."

"Have you ever flew this thing?" Finn asked.

"No." Rey yelled.

"Yes." (Y/N) yelled. "What moofmilker put a compressor on the ignition line it puts to much stress on the hyperdrive."

"Thank you, that's what I said." Rey said. As the group out flew the TIE Fighters they started going through old wrecked ships.

"Are we really doing this?" Finn said.

"Are you doubting my flying skills and dont ask that. I only ever ask that after I do it." (Y/N) yelled back. After they escaped Rey and (Y/N) exited the cockpit and found Finn. "Rey could you give me and Finn a moment." Rey nodded and left the two alone. Before Finn could speak she held up her hand.

"I know for a fact every Resistance base other than the main base has been evacuated, in fact I've helped with most. Second, there was a no rescue order. So," (Y/N) pulled out and smal blaster and held it pointed at Finn. "Who are you really?"

"I... I'm a stormtrooper and when the First Order attack Tuanul, I was there and when I saw what they were doing I wanted out. I didn't have a choice when I was taken to be in the First Order but your huaband gave me another option and I took it." He said. (Y/N) sighed and put her blaster away.

"Count yourself lucky that I don't kill you. The only reason I'm keeping you alive is because of the kindness you showed my husband but I give me one reason not to trust you and I will shoot you dead on the spot." (Y/N) said. Rey entered the room and spoke.

"There's a problem." Rey said as Finn and (Y/N) followed her into another area. "The propulsion system is beginning to leak due to an energy flux in the hyperdrive motivator its causing a fuel backup." (Y/N) took half a step in the room and nearly threw up.

"Rey can you fix that?" She asked. Rey pushed (Y/N) back out.

"Yes. If you have to stay out here for your squish to survive then stay here. I'll yell if I need help." Rey said. After ten minutes (Y/N) felt the ship get caught in a tractor beam. (Y/N), Rey, and Finn entered the cockpit and suddenly something dawned up (Y/N).

"Rey you need to unfix propulsion system." (Y/N) said. Finn caught onto what she was saying.

"Stormtrooper's masks doesn't filter out toxins." Finn say. The two grabbed masks and Rey helped BB-8 down.

"Get in, Rey." (Y/N) said.

"Aren't you getting in?" Rey asked.

"No. I'm staying out to give you guys time if needed." (Y/N) said helping Rey close it. (Y/N) stood by the enterance with her mask and when the door she put her blaster up and she came face to face with one too. When she saw who it was she hugged them.

"You are a sight on sore eyes and not who I was expecting." Han Solo said to (Y/N). 

"Right back at you guys, Chewie pick that grate up." Chewbacca did and all three looked down. "Get your asses up here we have help."

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