Chapter Twelve: He Should be Fine

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The sun has just risen but that doesn't doesn't mean much to the base who hasn't stopped moving since the night before and the night before that and the night before that... Not many understood how serious it was that while one x-wing was scheduled to leave today two pilots and a BB unit would be aboard.

(Y/N) stood in her room packing her bag. Clothes, first aid kit, water bottle, survival items. Stuff all needed if they were to crash but they were the best pilots in the Resistance. That doesn't excuse that something could go wrong, even the best makes mistakes.

"You should probably tell Poe that you are pregnant before you go." Hana said from her spot on (Y/N)'s bed.

"You know he would make me stay and take someone else or go by himself." (Y/N) said with a sigh.

"He would? Oh my what a shame. You and the baby would be safe that would be just awful." Hana said sarcastically cover her mouth with her hand in mock surprise. (Y/N) gave her an annoyed look.

"I'll be fine and I'll tell him when we get back." She said as she finished putting everything in her bag.

"You seem way too confident." Hana said narrowing her eyes. (Y/N) pulled her bag on her back.

"We are two of the best pilots in the Resistance. What could possibly go wrong?" She said hugging Hanna. "Watch BB-10 for me."

"Okay." Hana said holding (Y/N) a little tighter.
When Hana and (Y/N) reached Poe's x-wing everyone was standing there. Jarret was helping Poe adjust something, Maric was talking with Yolo and Snap, Lee was watching Kaller play with BB-8, and Kasmer was talking with Jessika.

BB-8 spotted (Y/N) and Hana and came flying over. Rolling around the girls beeping loudly about the Kaller being mean. Both girls laughed and BB-8 beeped angrily at (Y/N) running into her legs a couple times.

"Okay. Okay. I'll speak to Kaller. Kal, come here, oh I need to be anger okay BB-8, now Kaller." She said trying to be angry. Kaller walked over giggling.

"Yes Ma'am." He said smiling.

"BB-8 said, what oh. I mean not BB-8 said that you were being mean to BB-8 and you need to apologize, right this very second." She said trying to act mad. All that mattered was that BB-8 was believing it. Kaller tried not to laugh as he crouched to BB-8's height.

"BB-8. I am not sorry." He said before running away as BB-8 tried to shock him. Everyone laughed as BB-8 chased Kaller all over. Jarret and Poe finished what they were doing and walked over to the group. (Y/N) hugged Jessika.

"I didn't think we would have a huge goodbye party for a one day trip." She laughed.

"Poe said you were a little under the weather earlier this morning. We just wanted to check on you." Jessika said.

"I'm thinking my stomach might not have liked something I ate. It happens." She said shrugging it off. (Y/N) could feel Hana's eyes on her.

"Ready?" Poe asked. (Y/N) nodded and climbed up the ladder. "Need help?"

"Poe Dameron you put your hand on my ass and I will kick you." Poe laughed and climbed in after she sat down.

"BB-8. Lets go." Poe yelled. BB-8 stopped and so did Kaller. BB-8 beeped at Kaller then turned and rolled back to the x-wing. The trio took off and Kaller sighed.

"Anyone else have a bad feeling about this." Kaller mumbled.

"Yes." The other four replied.
It was night by the time (Y/N) and Poe reached Tuanul, Jakku. Poe climbed out and helped (Y/N) out. BB-8 rolled over to the two and beeped at them.

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