Chapter seventeen: Ten Steps Ahead

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this is out a day late but I had a track meet yesterday, then when I came home and was working on it I fell asleep. Soo.... Here it is even though its a day late. I have a couple point to make before I let you get to the story:

1.) There is either one or two more chapters left in this story.

2.) I will try and have a new story up with the dialog prompts up. So you could pick from that as well as send in scenarios or any pairing or anything you want me to write.

3.) If you want to send in anything pairing/ scenarios/ anything wise now it would be appreciated. Either in the comments or if you feel more comfortable messaging me instead feel free to do that.

4.) Thank you to all who read my authors note and responded. I think I am going to go with the last option I talked about and maybe set up a writing schedule for what day what thing will come out.

Sorry for the long note. Enjoy the chapter.


hen they group reached the islands where the jedi temple was located Rey and (Y/N) strapped up to head out. (Y/N) grabbed a couple small blasters and the bigger one she carried.

"Chewie stay here in case we need a quick take off. Come along BB-10." (Y/N) said nodding for it to follow. The group started up a path, walking through a small village of ruins. Once they checked most the huts they continued up the path, finding no one as they went.

Eventually, they came to the end of the path where they saw a man standing on the edge of the cliff. (Y/N) stopped and let Rey walk forward holding his lightsaber out.

"I believe this belongs to you." Rey said. Luke stared at it for a few minutes before taking it and throwing it over his shoulder behind him then walking down the path.

"Well that went well." (Y/N) said looking at Rey.

"Head back to the ship I'll be back later. We aren't leaving until he trains me." Rey said. (Y/N) sighed and nodded.

"I want you to check in at least once a day. Understood?" (Y/N) said.

"Of course." Rey said. The girls walked back down the path, Rey stayed in the village and (Y/N) went back to the ship. Chewbacca said something to (Y/N) who just shrugged.

"He threw the lightsaber and walked away but Rey said we aren't leaving until she trains with him." She said.

(Y/N) went about helping Chewbacca set up camp. She helped him unpack what he needed and helped set up some stuff. Chewbacca would get annoyed and tell her that she should be sitting down and leave setting up to him. She just brushed him off and continued helping. BB-10 let out a couple beeps and (Y/N) looked up. (Y/N) was crouched over a box looking through it.

"Alright BB-10. Im coming." She said standing up. She huffed as she stood up. "Thats gonna suck in a couple months." She walked on the ship and nodded at BB-10.

"General Dameron." It was Jarret and the boys. She smiled at them.

"Hey guys whats up?"

"I miss you." Kaller whined. Maric snorted at him.

"She has only been gon like a week tops." Kasmer pointed out.

"I know that." Kaller said. "Doesn't mean I can't miss her."

"How are you guys communicating with me right now? The only two ways is from the Command Center and BB-8." (Y/N) asked. BB-8 beeped a hello and BB-10 beeped back excitedly. "Okay next question how did you get BB-8 from Poe?"

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