Chapter 3: (Flashback) The Little Girl From Yavin 4

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When (Y/N) was 4 she could hear her parents argue from her room. She played with her doll. She tried not to flinch with every loud noise.

"They are uncivilized!" Her mothers huffed, angry voice came. (Y/N) knew who she was talking about: the Damerons. (Y/N) loved the Damerons, they were fun. Another screech, another flinch. (Y/N) started to sniffle. Quickly, (with her doll in hand) she climbed out her window and ran through everyones back yards. A couple houses later she reached the window she wanted and knocked on it quietly. The window opened and a little head popped out. None other than 5 year old, Poe Dameron.

"Hey? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Poe quietly asked the little girl. She stood silent, they both did.

"They're doing it again." She whispered. "She's doing it again." Poe's eyes narrowed. He grabbed her arm.

"Come on get it. I'm not letting you go back." Poe said taking her doll and setting it on his bed then pulled her in. He let her get under the cover with him and she curled up against him. Both fell asleep in minutes.

Poe's door opened, his parents smiled from the doorway. This isn't the first time and they doubt it will be the last. Like always (Y/N)'s father is by in the morning. Smile on his face picking up his little girl who is happy to see him.

When (Y/N) is 5 she was standing with Poe and BB-8 in the market as she watched her mother leave her house with a bag. Her mother got on a aircraft and left.

That night (Y/N) slipped into Poe's bed and he instantly wrapped his arms around her. She spoke softly.

"She went to Naboo."

"Why would anyone go to Naboo? What's fun about Naboo? Other than its name." He said making her giggle.

"She got a job working for the queen." She said.

"Now there really isn't anything fun." (Y/N) smacked Poe on the chest lightly.  He smiled at her brightly. "Good night (Y/N)."

"Night Poe." She said. Annoyed beeping made both laugh. "Good night BB-8." One beep reply. The next morning as (Y/N) left the house Poe's Dad wished her a good morning scaring her.

When (Y/N) was 8 her and Poe were laying in a field together looking at the stars. Poe reached out and held her hand.

"Poe?" She said. He panicked for half a second thinking it was the fact that he was holding her hand that made her question him.

"Ya, (Y/N)." He answered.

"Do you think we are uncivilized?" She asked. Poe could hear the hurt in her voice. He hated when she sounded upset.

"Well seeing as you threw a rock hit a Whisper Bird and I got a fish on my head. Then you tried to ride a Runyip because and, and I quote," Poe sat up he had her laughing he wanted the smile to stay. "'Because you were upset with the world and want to see if you ride a Runyip.' I'm not sure if thats classified as uncivilized or fun." He laid back down and she continued to laugh. She reached out and took his hand again making him blush.

"I wanna be a pilot." (Y/N) said. He tightened his grip on her hand.

"Me too. I wanna be a Resistance fighter like my mom." Poe said.

"Ya." (Y/N) replied. "Promise to join the Resistance when we turn 18." She held up her free pinky and took hers in his.

"Promise." He said. He smiled when she gripped his hand tighter.

"Hey the Whisper Birds are back." (Y/N) pointed out making jump up and run back toward his house yelling, "No" as he ran. (Y/N) ran after him laughing as she ran.

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