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"This calls for a celebration! Bring out the shot glasses!" Courtney shouted jumping on Kara's couch

"It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon" Leah shook her head in disbelief

"What exactly is your point?"

"It's too early to get drunk yet alone drink any alcohol" Leah scolded.

"It's never too early to get lit, besides how else do we celebrate Kara getting her dream job?"

"How about we just order some food in?" Leah happily suggested

"And then get wasted?"

"Guys no drinking okay?" Courtney rolled her eye and slumped in the couch she once stood on while Leah childishly stuck her tongue out at her

"We can order in but I kinda just wanted to spend the night celebrating with sik."

"Aw the nations favourite lovebirds"

"I love you guys so much that I hate you" Leah rolled her eyes

"Is it weird that I imagine you guys in bed? Like really crazy wild hot sex or maybe just really passionate love making." Courtney thought out loud staring into the distance

Leah's head instantly snapped in Courtney's direction with disgust written over her face and all Kara could do was laugh at their interaction. She was used to a foul mouthed Courtney and the ever so slightly more conservative mother figure that was Leah. Honestly their opposite personalities fit hand in hand and were the spice to Kara's bland life.

The first person she told when she received the news was Minsik of course. Knowing this was what she wanted and what made her happy he couldn't be more proud and excited for her. They supported each other like it was a full time paying job.
They hadn't seen each other in four days, which was a record for Sik and his clingy self. Their date wasn't originally meant to be a celebration for Kara but it just so happened that the day before she got the news and it was the perfect set up for them to do so.

Kara would have been happy with a simple movie indoors, food and maybe even some intense cuddling, but Minsik insisted on taking her out and showing her how special she was to him, which she wouldn't object to.

Happily the girls spent the rest of the day together until the sun had started to set and littered the sky a wonderful pink and orange hue. Both Courtney and Leah helped Kara get ready, picking out the littlest little black dress Kara had in her wardrobe alongside an elegant pair of heels. It wasn't long before she was done with her make up and hair but once she was done, being the great friends they were, the girls insisted in a quick photo shoot that Kara was genuinely in no mood for. Knowing her friends wouldn't give up without a fight she allowed them to be her temporary paparazzi until Minsik came along.

As soon as she got the call from Minsik to come down she happily left her friends in her house trusting that they would clean up their mess and maybe even be gone before she got back. From the moment Minsik saw Kara all he could say was 'wow'. He was in complete awe of her beauty. Her strides alone made her look like she was straight off the runway, her legs went on forever, her skin glistened under the moonlight and that had him speechless. As he held her door open, she gently kissed his cheek before getting in, still he could only focus on the smell of her deep perfume that wafted past.

The car journey to the restaurant Minsik had planned was very typical of any date night they had. Minsik in the drivers seat trying to sing Kara love songs far from the right key and regardless of whether he was in key or not Kara wouldn't have it any other way. He would never be caught dead singing anything apart from a few lines in the studio but for Kara he didn't care where he was or who he was with he'd sing the whole playlist of love songs he made just for her.

The pair strolled into the restaurant hand in hand, Minsik proud that everyone was looking at his girlfriend, who he thought was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"I made a reservation for tonight under Kwon Minsik"

"Sorry sir I can't seem to find your name"

"Well can you check again?"

"I'm afraid I still can't find your name in our system. Are you sure you made a reservation sir?"

"That's some bullshit I've had this reservation for over a week, I even called two days ago to make sure and now you tell me you can't find my name in your shit system?" He shouted causing people to stare

"Even if we could find your name sir there would be nowhere to seat you. We're filled to capacity"

"Fuck you guys!"

"Minsik relax. We'll just do something else." She said calmly pulling him out of the restaurant

"I don't want to do anything else! I wanted to take you there." He shouted with anger and disappointment in his voice

"I understand that babe, I know you're upset but there's nothing you can do now. Let's just enjoy each other's company tonight and go and get food somewhere else. How about a burger?" Evidently still pissed he shrugged and began walking without her

"Can you hold my hand" She jokingly whined hoping the cheer him up slightly, but it didn't help. He simply let out a deep sigh and stopped walking to face her.

"It was supposed to be all about you tonight and I'm sorry it didn't go according to plan."

She smiled because it was obvious how much he cared and wanted to impress her.

"That's life. It doesn't always go according to plan I guess. But that's what separates the winners from the losers. The winners know how to bounce back."

"So you're calling me a loser?" He scoffed

"If it makes you feel better you're my loser" she reassured in the hug she had him in. He let out a light chuckle in response, kissed her forehead and hugged her back tightly.

The instant she pulled away from his warmth she shivered and his reaction was just as fast as her action. He pulled off his heavily perfumed jacket and placed it over her shoulder and seeing as she was in heels he motioned for her to get on his back.

Once they arrived  and he put her down the two of them sat on the chairs that were available just outside of the food truck. They had already ordered their food, maybe more than they actually needed but enough for Kara to forget about their failed reservation.

"This is a waste of an outfit. Look how beautiful you look and this is where I brought you?"

"There's always next time besides I'd prefer a good bowl of cheese fries with you over an overpriced plate of lettuce any day." She finished off her sentence taking a huge bite out of her burger making Minsik laugh with literal hearts in his eyes.

"So now it's my turn to tell you how proud I am of you huh?" He smirked moving his chair so he sat next to her instead of opposite.

"Go ahead, tell me. I wanna hear it" she joked staring into his dark eyes

"Shit I didn't think this through. I don't really have enough words to tell you how proud I am, but you deserve this more than anyone because you've worked so hard for it. All those sleepless nights practising your craft and still having the energy to support me and my shit? You're my fucking Wonder Woman Kara. I may not be where i want to be career wise right now but i'm working on it and i know that with you next to me i'll make it, we'll make it, so congratulations and I love you." he finished off his speech by placing a necklace, with a ruby gem on it, on her neck. she looked at the necklace in shock then at Minsik's smiling face then back the gem then back at his face.

"You're the sweetest thing ever Minsik but you shouldn't have." she knew how much he must have had to save up to buy her such an expensive present and for that she was grateful. Regardless of how in love she was with it, his time was the most valuable gift she got from him.

"you deserve the world babe"

"I love it. I love you." She smiled leaning in as they shared a long gentle kiss.

"Maybe once we get home I'll be able to show you better than I can tell you." He whispered in her ear making her giggle

"I can't wait."

- This wasn't meant to be so long oops forgive me! -

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