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That same night she waited up for him but he never came. He never called, no text, nothing. This went on for an excruciatingly long month but once that month was over and Minsik finally showed up again they moved on as though nothing had happened. That pissed Kara off but It was partly her fault, after all she never called him out on it, she never pushed for answers.

She was upset.
No. Furious.

But in Kara's typical fashion she said nothing about the negative feelings she had. She was never one to physically show discomfort or sadness, which was why it was so easy for Minsik to get over his supposed 'guilt' and pretend like everything was okay, like he wasn't wrong.

That constantly played in her head. Over and over again. It had been three months since the situation. Maybe she was doing something wrong because to say their relationship felt strained was an understatement. Maybe the countless hours she worked meant she wasn't devoting time to Minsik like she was supposed to, like she had been before and Minsik wasn't dealing with it well.

While Kara spent days beating herself up, thinking of ways to end their rough patch Minsik was having the time of his life. Their relationship didn't seem to matter to him anymore and it was becoming more and more obvious to the both of them. He'd gone from treating her like she was the only girl in the world to treating her like she was a saturday fling. A change that definitely hurt, definitely made her feel inferior, but more significantly sparked her curiosity.

The rift in their relationship gave more room for her to communicate with Sungmin, a close mutual friend of both Kara and Minsik and partially the reason they were together. Sungmin saw Kara as a younger sister, though she was only a year younger than him but he felt protective of her.

Along with Leah, Kara and Sungmin met up for dinner. They hadn't seen or spoken to each other in a while so when Kara called him to meet up there was no delay in his answer. They were sat in a booth at the front of the restaurant by the long window that exposed the restaurants entire interior.

"How's baby?"

"She's good. All she does is eat, sleep and demand cuddles."

"That sounds just like me. I can't wait to see her again"

"You know, if I was a random person I would have no idea you guys were talking about a cat" Leah said in slight disgust at how Sungmin spoke about his cat

"Not just any cat. That's my baby we're talking about" Sungmin, a cat enthusiast, would defend his cat to the very end.

"He's really protective over her so address her correctly." Kara sighed

"I dont even like cats. Dogs are so much better. Try me." Leah said smugly

"Woah" Sungmin's mouth dropped slightly, his head tilted back and his hand rested on his chest immediately taking offence to the statement.

Kara cupped her forehead knowing that she was going to have to endure a heated cat vs dog debate until their food came and being that they had just ordered their food she knew that would be a while.
After an hour of enjoying good food and sharing overly extra conversation, the sky had gone from a deep midnight blue to an almost pitch black.

"Are we done? I should really get going, I start at 5 today." Kara spoke looking down at her watch

"5am?! I don't know how you do it" Sungmin exclaimed

"Really? You and your boys pull all nighters in the studio so I have no idea what you're talking about." Kara laughed with furrowed eyebrows. Sungmin raised his eyebrows and shook his head in acknowledgment causing the girls to laugh.

"I need to use the toilet, wait for me yeah?" Leah pleaded

"No." Sungmin said bluntly still feeling petty from their early debate.

"Yes. We will. Go" Kara laughed. She watched as her friend headed straight to the toilet. Honestly she was weary of leah being around when she spoke about her relationship. Leah was her best friend and kara knew what she was like. She hated the thought of the countless lectures Leah would give her and at this particular moment she hated that Leah knew exactly what to say in every single situation. Maybe just to preserve the little 'dignity', or pride, she had left she wouldn't tell Leah.

"I've been meaning to ask you, is Minsik alright? Like, is there anything going on that I should know?" His heart skipped a beat hearing that question. To him, it sounded like she already knew and was looking for him to confirm the worst but he wouldn't. He wouldn't be the one to bring the bad news. He couldn't be the one to bring the bad news

"You're asking me if your boyfriend is okay?" He played it off with a small chuckle

"I don't know, he just hasn't been himself you know? He's just really distant with me."

"I mean have you talked to him?"

"I don't see him enough. Maybe like once every two weeks or even less than that and when I do see him it's probably only for an hour, two if I'm lucky."


"Maybe because I work crazy hours and I don't really have time to see him?"

"I doubt that's the reason" he muttered under his breath

"What did you say?"


"If he won't tell me if there's anything wrong then you might? You are his best friend."

"And you're his girlfriend Kara. God. you're so... you're so gentle!"

"When has that ever been a bad thing" she giggled

"Now. It's a bad thing now. Seriously Kara man the fuck up and speak to him. You deserve to know why he's been off with you, come on you've been together for basically 3 years you should know how to speak to him."

"Why do I feel like you're telling me off?" She pouted

"Probably because I fucking am and you know I'm right" he chuckled. He looked at Kara who sat playing with her nails out of nervousness and uncertainty before pulling her into a bear hug.

"The only reason I give you advice is because I know you'll actually do something with it. Please speak to him. Please. And if you need anything, absolutely anything, call me. " he softly spoke kissing the top of her head

Sungmin was genuinely caught between a rock and a hard place. Does he snake his best friend of several years or does he break the heart of the girl he saw as a sister and wanted to protect at all cost?

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