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Despite spending the whole day together nothing felt right. Minsik was there physically but not mentally, to the point where even after turning off his phone to supposedly focus on Kara he still couldn't.

Kara, on the other hand, was there mentally but not physically. Their kisses were empty, simply skin touching and saliva swapping. She couldn't help but constantly wonder what she was doing, if, she was doing something wrong.

It was hard to ignore the extremely iffy and ingenuine atmosphere between the two of them but they each did a damn good job at pretending they were cool. Right from the 'loving' glances they exchanged with each other to the kisses and hugs they shared while watching movies in bed right down to their 'passionate love making'.

We need to talk" they said simultaneously

She laughed nervously removing herself from their rested position.

"I'll go first." he insisted
She shifted so her knees were to her chest and so did he. His hands were locked together rested over his legs that were spread apart.

"It's something that's been playing on my mind for a while and even though I wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you, to prevent myself from hurting you even more it's best i do it now."

Her ears instantly perked up but she sat still focusing all her energy on imitating the scene on tv. Chihiro and No Face sat on the train to see Zeniba.

"I think we should see other people. You know, go our separate ways."

"What?" Her voice cracked as if she was going to cry but she wasn't it was just the suddenness of the statement. She knew their relationship was drawing to an end it was clear.

"We're growing apart Kara don't you feel it? Come on, we hardly see each other"

"Are you saying that's my fault?" She stood up immediately becoming defensive

"Is it my fault? I make time for you whenever you ask me to. You're the one always busy with work." He fired back with the same intense tone

"Really Minsik? Those long nights you spend in the studio or performing in clubs that will give you a chance don't contribute to this? You're acting like I'm the only one responsible."

"That's low for you Kara. You of all people know how fucking hard I work on my music."

"Exactly! That's why I fully supported you and never complained when you weren't able to spend time with me. The second I start focusing on myself and my career you give me this shit?"

"Obviously you love your career more than me..."

"Don't do that Minsik. If you want to leave, go ahead. I'm not mad." With a sigh she took her hair in her hands, finally stopped pacing and grabbed a cigarette, her 5th in the space of 2 hours.

"Listen Kara, this doesn't mean I don't love you anymore because I do, just maybe we should take a break"
he was already rethinking his decision and retracing his words. 'Taking a break' worked better for him because it meant when he got tired of messing around with Hee-Jung, Kara would be there. What a comical way to view love and relationships.

"That's not how a relationship works. It's either we're together or we're not. There are no breaks."

"I guess..."
Minsik had ran out of words because he hadn't expected it to be so easy to break up with her and honestly he didn't want it to be. He wanted her to put up a fight, to refuse the idea. It was an outlandish request anyway because he knew what she was like and she wouldn't fight like that, she'd simply go with it. Even though it shouldn't have, that caught him off guard.

"Bye Minsik." She said finally lighting up the cigarette that had been laying in between her lips

Minsik was quick to leave after she said goodbye. Even though he initiated it, it didn't feel real nor did her goodbye sound authentic. He felt the only reason she said goodbye was for him and not for herself, not because she really was letting him go.
Their distance meant the confusing personality that was Kara, the one he knew like the back of his hand, all of it ups and downs, he had forgotten. Messing around with Hee-Jung and neglecting Kara meant her complicated personality that was second nature to him was now a labyrinth he couldn't work his way through.

The problem was Kara never fought back. She was a people pleaser she'd do anything to make the other party happy even if it meant her herself getting hurt. What was the point staying anyway? He was clearly unhappy Kara thought to herself. It was true they were growing apart and he needed stability she couldn't give him she thought.

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