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The two girls sat in Kara's car after a spur of the moment lunch date. Courtney's acrylic nails tapped away on her phone meaning she wanted to say something. After being friends for so long there were subtle clues she gave off that Kara was an expert at reading. Taking one final sip of her sour lemonade she set it down and prepared for conversation.

"So what's wrong?" Kara finally asked with a slight sigh. 

"I haven't been honest Kara and that isn't like me, I'm worried about you." If this line alone didn't give Kara flashbacks to that night at her house with Daniel, nothing would. It seemed like whenever someone had a bone to pick with her they would start by beating around the bush. Nothing was more unsettling.

"Why? Have I done something other than mind my business?"
Courtney angled herself in the passenger seat she sat in and glared at Kara with a not impressed face before shooting back her response.

"Your business is fucking Minsik whenever you get the chance?"

Kara's eyes momentarily widened. How was it that everyone close to her seemed to know exactly what was going on. It's either that she was terrible at pretending or keeping secrets or Minsik had a huge hand in this. From her knowledge it definitely wasn't the first option.
Courtney sat there with crossed arms waiting for the reply she knew Kara couldn't give.

"Exactly. Now you're on mute. Come on Kara, you're supposed to be the smart one, what are you doing?"


"You're willling to throw away and mess up your relationship with Daniel over 10 minutes of pleasure at most?" Courtney kissed her teeth in disappointment just thinking about it

"This is about closure Courtney I wouldn't expect you to understand." The fact of the matter was that though Kara started this whole thing with the aim of getting closure from their break up, honestly she didn't know anymore. More than closing any wounds she had, she was finding things that were rubbing salt into them like the fact that Minsik and his now girlfriend had started dating long before they broke up.

"The only thing that needs closure right now are your legs. You and Minsik aren't together anymore yet here you are still giving him the perks of a relationship that he doesn't fucking deserve."

"Maybe if you had a man you wouldn't spend so much time worrying about what I'm doing with my body"

"That's a wild statement coming from an A1 cheater." She shot right back. Courtney wasn't the type to bite her tongue and keep her opinion to herself especially when it came to her best friends, regardless Kara's statement caught her off guard.

"I'm not a cheater" Kara stated almost blindly in a defensive manner causing Courtney to scoff in disbelief

"So what are you doing now? To Daniel? Go on I'll wait because I know you ain't got shit to say. Stop thinking with your damn vagina and use your fucking brain bitch!" Courtney was slightly out of breath after basically cussing her friend out but at this point she felt it was what she needed. Talking to her nicely wouldn't get the job done.

"Listen, all I'm saying is you won't get closure by spreading your legs every 10 seconds for the same man that broke your heart Kara, it doesn't work like that."

"I'm doing things my own way Courtney. I'm fine." Kara sighed finally looking Courtney in the eyes.

"You're only going to end up hurting yourself more, Daniel too. I'm only saying this now so when the day comes and you have an emotional breakdown I can say I told you so then comfort your stupid ass."

"You'll be waiting an eternity for that day." Kara chuckled making Courtney roll her eyes in a joking manner.

"Whatever just take me home. I need a damn nap."

Though the awkward conversation had come to an end, Kara couldn't help but begin to realise what this situation was doing to her. It made her rude and stand-offish with people she cared about. It was causing her to do things she never think to do in a million years. Maybe it was time she started to get rid of the attachment she had to Minsik.

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