real life

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Waking up to have sweat down her spine from the dry winds out of the window of the hotel she stayed at

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Waking up to have sweat down her spine from the dry winds out of the window of the hotel she stayed at. Moving her hair off her forehead as she got out of bed, slipping on her slippers and silk dressing robe. Walking across to have a cold shower and to put on shirt and shorts to keep herself cool, as she walked to find her phone and keys and settled her glasses on her make-up free face. Finding her keys with her stray hair-tie, she held her keys in her mouth as she did a quick and easy pony tail. 

She pulled her phone off charge and slipped on sneakers and left the hotel room she was staying at, it wasn't the most modest piece of clothing, but the closest you could get for a 17 year old. The door locked behind her and she walked towards the elevator and went down to the bottom and main floor. It was being decorated for the upcoming Christmas season, with tinsel over there and a stocking over here, but nothing could compare to the way her pa pa celebrated Christmas. 

He had lights everyone, every turn there was a new Christmas styled decoration or wood. There wasn't one room that wasn't plagued from the Christmas season, he was a very festive man.

Heading towards the cafe across the street to get her take away tea, she always got a large Earl Grey. Her favourite tea and so was it her granny's, she suspect she started to like it when Granny would play a tea party every week after her mother died. After getting her morning tea, she called on a cab and waited patiently as she arrived to the set.

Heading in straight away she was attacked by both sides of Sebastian and Anthony, they sandwich her as they walked towards her trailer. Looking at the two nervously at what they could of done, she took a sip of her drink until Sebastian started talking.

"Maybe you shouldn't go into your trailer, yeah lets turn around."

Instantly suspicious, she opened her trailer to see hundreds of coffee beams, turning slowly to see the two were gone. Slamming it shut and on a murderous path to kill the two, her face must of been glowing red of pure anger. She hated the smell, the taste the texture of coffee. It made her sick. She was on this path until she collided with another.

"Bloody Mary!" 

The voice belonged to the one and only Tom Holland, looking down to see him on the ground. She offered a hand up in which he gladly took and the two looked at one another.

"Sorry 'bout that," Victoria started only to realise her tea was all over the ground. "I need to get more tea, wanna come?"

"Yes" his voice squeaked.

If it was one thing she was certain about was how different tom was online to reality, he was so shy and scared around her and yet online he is brave enough to rant about her on the current 'all about those quads' group chat Anthony Mackie gladly created to irritated everyone. 

The two walked towards his trailer as she spoke to him about what Sebastian and Anthony had done, if it was on purpose or on accident which was very unlikely. She had never been in Tom's trailer and when she opened it, it was very different to what she expected. It was full of marvel merchandise from the 2012 film 'The Avengers'.

"Did marvel get you these?" Victoria asked.

"No, brought it when avengers came out with a friend. never thought i would be in a Marvel film, yet alone play such a great character"

Laughing, he put the kettle on as the two contineud to talk.

"So... do you know what gender is the royal baby, after all you are there cousin."

"Hell will freeze over before we know if the baby is a girl or a boy."

"Haven't they checked the gender?"

"Can't, its a tradition. Well one, my Granny fought to keep. I love Kate but she is ruining all the fun traditions."

The two laughed as the kettle popped, Peter made a basic chai tea while Victoria went through his stash of tea to find her favourite. Earl Grey, careful as she put only enough boiled water to make it taste nice. Taking a sip, while she enjoyed the taste.

"Um Victoria" Tom squeaked again, "Would you like to go to dinner sometime?" his face red of blush as he quickly spoke agaianst what he just said "of course as friends, and i fully understa-"

"I would love to have dinner with you, just not somewhere fancy. I don't need harry to catch the drift that i have male friends"

The two smiled, as she wrote down her phone number on a pad of paper and wrote with an avenger pen. The quiet was nice until she heard Anthony.


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