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Christmas Eve ended with a bang

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Christmas Eve ended with a bang. Her grandfather was using words that Victoria herself didn't know to Andrew, his son for starting the film. Eventually Victoria joined them, sitting next to William for the purpose to irritate him. With her placing her feet on William's lap, it getting shoved and she would them back on his lap and repeat. Until William started arguing with her, which was instantly silenced by Aunt Ann and her son, Peter. 

She was bored before the movie reached half-way, it was Star Wars, or maybe Star Trek. She wasn't fully sure what they were watching, she didn't mind really. With all the younger children already asleep, Victoria tried to excuse herself to bed by saying 'i am tired'. Harry called bullshit loudly to only be scold by the raging Grandpa Phillip.

Eventually her granny retired into her room, Victoria ran as quickly as she could into her quarters, saying goodnight to any staff she went by. When she entered her room, she did her night routine. Put her phone on charge, forget to brush her teeth and undo the strange dress she wore. She was suspicious of Andrew, as it was the only 'formal expectable' dress and he was the only other person apart from herself who has been in her dressing room.

Falling asleep was easy, waking up was harder. Awoken by no other then Harry screaming in her ear, all she could do is start screaming at him for being an immature 30 year old. Harry never did this back at Kensington, what was he plotting?

Dressing in a nice coat, and getting dressed formally for the church service. She joined her other family with her phone for a quick lunch. The conversation went back to last night.

"Victoria did you enjoy the movie last night?" Harry asked, "What did you think of the film?" he said grinning, knowing quite well that she didn't enjoy the movie at all.

About to speak, her phone went off. Usually she wouldn't answer her phone at the table, especially if her granny was present but she looked down to see the contact. Excusing herself, she walked down the corridor before answering

"Hello?" Victoria asked, taking a deep breath.

"This is Victoria Elizabeth Rose?"

"Yes? Why do you must ask every time."

"When attending to certain members of royalty, such things must be done."

Taking a deep breath, readying herself for the news to come.

"I feel it was best for you to hear first," the phone paused, Victoria didn't understand - no she refused to understand what was about to be said.

"I feel it is best for you to know and inform your family that Sir Arthur Manson-Gully has lost complete function of his brain, he was pronounced brain dead at one twenty-four am this morning. He is still currently on life support which was requested by Philip Mountbatten at three forty-one yesterday afternoon. Your signature is needed to take him off life support for him to be pronounced dead."

Victoria couldn't say anything, her mouth was dry and her mind was buzzing around, all the moments she missed with him and all the times she could of been there for him when she wasn't. The caller ended with 'I am so sorry for your loss', with that Victoria managed to brave the courage to enter the room again with many disapproving faces of her leaving the table to answer her phone. Sitting down again, the conversations started but not in the direction she wanted it in. She hadn't shed a tear since the hospital pretty much told her, her PaPa died and she wasn't there.

"Where you talking to Tom?" Harry asked, cheekily. But in that moment, all Victoria wanted to do is snap at her grandfather and leave to the hospital to see her father.

"No," she snapped, catching Harry off guard "I was on the phone to the hospital"

Instantly she looked at her Grandfather, his face was turning whiter and whiter, he knew what was wrong and he knew that it would be very hard for her to forgive him anytime soon.

"I was just told that my Grandfather" she said, sarcastically "requested for my poor PaPa to be put on life support, without telling me. A dead give away that someone is on the brink of death."

The table was silent, but she continued, "While you guys get to go and enjoy you Christmas day i am needed to sign a document to take my PaPa off life support," her eyes was starting to burn as tears started to fall down her cheek, "To sign a document to make my PaPa dead, i am spending my bloody Christmas Day signing a document to kill my PaPa!"

Getting up from the table and walking away, she couldn't believe it. Her grandfather who was a role model for her when she spent those three years with her grandparents, didn't tell her that her Papa was on the brink of death. Walking straight out of the car and ordering Andrew to drive her to her father's hospital. All she could think now was how unlucky she was.

Lost her father when she only five months, she then lost her mother and baby brother when she was nine and her Step Father, her Papa when she was only two months off from being eighteen.

Why was she so unlucky of having a family? 

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