phone call + real life

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Prince Philip

King Edward VII hospital


Victoria just arrived back to her hotel when her phone started to ring, with 'unknown' on the other side Victoria was beyond suspicious. Clicking agree she moved the phone to her ear to here silence until someone spoke.

"Is this Victoria Elizabeth Rose?"


"Do you know Sir Arthur Manson-Gully?"

"Why yes i do, he is my step father. Why and who are you?"

"King Edward VII hospital and we are here to talk about your step father sickly state"

Victoria dropped her phone on the floor making a loud thump, her father was in a sickly state and her reaction was to drop her phone. Quickly picking up her phone she responded.

"Sorry, can you say it again?"

"You father was found having difficult breathing, your grandfather thought it would be best if you return back to London this instant."

"Why are you telling me this, how do i not know that this is a prank?"

"I will pass you over to your grandfather"

The line was quiet while Victoria was trying to control herself from tears, she waited and waited to here the voice of her grandfather. Whimpering a lot as she finally heard her grandfather.

"Come back to London, i know you are filming but your father's state is horrible, the worse fate is he can die in the next hour . I have gotten one of your father's assistant  booking you a flight as we speak."

"can you make it two please? i din't think i can make it over there without tearing up."

"sure Victoria, make sure who ever your going with is in black. I will stay by your father until you arrive"

Victoria hanged up, tears literally flying out of her eyes as she was screaming 'it isn't fair'. Getting up as she opened her suitcase to find her black dress, heels and hat that all royals must bring along when they travel from home. Changing quickly and throwing all her other stuff in her suitcase, dragging her suitcase out of the hotel room and to the elevator to see a family of five were looking at her.

Giving a smile to the three children and the stunned parents, she left quickly and in rush to the counter to pay the bill of her stay. They asked question of her leaving early and she just said family matters as she left and called a taxi. Entering she told them the address of the one person she wanted with her.

The drive took longer than normal and she arrived fifteen minutes later, saying a quick hello to the front office. She quickly went to the elevator and to the third floor she knocked on a door.

"Victoria why are you here, all in black and with a suitcase?" Tom asked.

Tears started to appear up in her eyes as she hugged him, crying as she explained what was happening. She had no family in german, and she needed someone to come with her. She didn't want to be alone.

"Well let me pack and book a tick-"

"My grandfather has had that sorted, just pack and put a suit on if you have one"

"okay, i don't have a bla-"

Victoria chucked a black tie at him she had packed just in case she wanted to wear a suit at all, a strange reason but it came in handy for all the wrong reasons. While tom was packing his suitcase, Victoria was in the bathroom adding make-up. She couldn't be seen crying, leaving the bathroom to se Tom had finished, tears started to appear again. Tom pulled her in a hug, while trying to calm her down.

The two left with suitcase's as they walked out, Tom paid for his hotel room and they called on a taxi. The driver gave them a strange look and drove them to the airport where the two were surrounded by many paparazzi. The two just barged though them as they entered the airport and Victoria opened her phone to see her grandfather had sent her a photo of them. Showing the ticket, they were shown to a metal detector and detectors until she saw something of home.

Two royal guards stood waiting for Victoria and her guest, it was Andrew and Matt her guards back home in London. The two walked over and grabbed their suitcases, Victoria thanked them while Tom looked speechless. He was in the presence of a royal guard.

"Princess, the plane leaves in five minutes."

Victoria grabbed Tom's hand, who was left frozen as if he only realised Victoria was a princess. The two followed the guards through a tunnel and onto a beyond luxurious plane, Victoria directed tom to a couch where the two stayed seated until Tom excused himself to call his mother. Victoria was left alone to look out of the plane. Thinking only one thing.

Why does tragedy follow her so much?

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