real life + phone call

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After reading the article she knew what she had to do first, talk to Tom. Dialling his number into her phone, she waited until the beep. 

"Hey its Tom, I can't get to the phone. Please leave a message"

Waiting for the second beep, she tried speaking but nothing came out of her mouth.

"Uh hi Tom its Victoria, just wanted to see if you wanted to meet at the café in front of the set before we start filming. Hope to see you there."

Getting out of bed, she showered and changed into a green top. Putting the kettle on she waited for it to 'pop', this allowed her to think and she did. She was nervous to met Tom, she was nervous to go to set and most of all she was nervous to go home and celebrate Christmas at Sandringham House.

Hearing the kettle pop, she got out a mug and placed a tea bag in and poured the boiled water. She stirred it when she realised she would have to face everyone she didn't want to face, what confused for more was why was she so affected by the news article? The answer was easy, it was because they were right and she hated admitting when others are right.

Taking a sip from her tea, deciding she had enough of the long wait. She grabbed her phone, the script and her keys as she left her hotel. Paparazzi was never a problem before but it was now, she knew she should of taken up the offer her papa said before she came to get security guards. She was most definitely going to ask her papa to help her choose guard. Pushing through and saying excuse me, she finally got through and called on a taxi.

Arriving only minutes later to the café she said over voicemail, she took a deep breath and walked through the door. She looked around to see on Tom, sighing and deciding to get some lunch. She ordered just sausage roll, taking the seat near the door. She started eating her sausage roll, not noticing the door opening as she took another bite from her sausage roll.

"Victoria, i got your message" Victoria looked up to see Tom, she smiled.

"I need to give an explanation for my actions last night"

"No its fine, we can go back to being frei-"

Victoria stoped him by leaning over the table and giving his a small kiss on the lips, while she was eating her sausage roll she came to agreement that she really did like Tom. She would keep it silent and ask what her granny thinks, and what ever the answer will be she will find a way to overcome it if needs be.

"In all honestly i think it will also be awkward if we just stay friends, i have started to see you in a different light then 'just friends'. Its just, last night i was scared and nervous of what everyone would think before i thought 'what do i want'. I want to apologise." 

Everything she said came out more awkward then what she thought, covering her face in embarrassment as Tom sat there saying nothing. Peaking through her hands she saw Tom was on his phone, pulling his phone towards his ear. She looked down at her own phone to see Tom was calling her. Victoria swiped his name and Tom got up and left leaving Victoria confused, she moved the phone to her ear to here Tom.

"Well its great to see we are on the same page, now come on lets get to set."

"Tom why did you call me and leave the café?"

"You always seem braver to say things over the phone or text"

"Its because i am not facing anyone, i think before i speak when i see someone. I tend not to on the phone"

"Then tell me, do you think of me as a friend?"


"Then what do you think of me?"

"As a possible love interest"


Victoria let out a laugh, she could see Tom was waiting outside looking directly at her. Victoria hanged up and finished her sausage roll, she got up and left to run up to Tom to join him. The two started to walk to the set, which was only across the road when Victoria stopped him.

"Tom, are we still flying over to Britain together?" she asked, he nodded.

Victoria smiled and the two smiled and laughed all the way through the gates to the set, instantly when they got there and no one they knew where to be seen they kissed. Victoria's first kiss, something she would remember for a long time to come.

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