phone call

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After realising Victoria had left the house with his phone, Tom did what any child would do and that was to explore what she had on her phone. Tom decided to start with photos, and found that a good deal of the photos was of pictures of her papa and April which only sparked more curiosity. Yes, Victoria told her nearly everything when it came to family dramas but she never really spoke of how close of a bond she and April had. 

Deciding to be responsible, he left the photo app and clicked on the phone app and into contact to find his name. He scrolled through it the contacts, taking note of who she had in her contacts. He wasn't surprised to find that the only 'royal' family she had on her phone was Harry and her late papa. Finally finding his name under 'tom' with a spider emoji next to it, as cringe as it looked there was another 3 Toms in her contacts.

Before clicking on his name, he realised that none of the contacts had last names, just first names. If there was numerous such as in Tom's case, there were emoji's to describe them he guess. It was probably to protect there phone numbers incase she lost her phone, as her passcode was a pretty easy one.

Clicking on his name, he put the phone to his ear and waited.

"Oh tom! i have your phone don't i?" tom heard Victoria gasp as she answered. 

"mmm," tom answered, "i really don't mind you having it but it was weird for you to run out of the house into a black car and drive off."

He heard another voice over the phone, his fist tighten as he instantly thought she left the house to meet up with someone else.

"oh sorry!" she started, "i was on the phone to will and he said if i got to Kensington before dinner that we would make a contract that i become there second child's godmother"

Tom couldn't help himself, he started to laugh loud enough for his brother, Sam to ask him if he was okay. "Well, when do you want me to drop your phone off as i need to be at the airport tomorrow morning."

He heard Victoria yell to someone and when she finished she mumbled a sorry to Tom.

"If you got nothing to do, do you want to have dinner here and we can trade phones."

Tom instantly got up and ran down to where his mother was preparing dinner, he taped on her shoulder and before he could ask his mother asked why Victoria ran out of the house. He was forced to admit to his mother that Victoria made a deal with Will to become the next child godmother. His mother told him to not come home to late.

With that, Tom pulled the phone back to his ear as he ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his room.

"Sure, is it like a formal dinner?"

"Well Catherine, Will and Harry will be there so i don't really know. Let me ask-"

Before Victoria could say a word, Tom started to say "Doesn't matter, i will just put on new clothes. See you there at?" he questioned.

"In twenty minutes?"

"twenty! it takes up to an hour to get there. How did you even get there so fast."

"its my little secret" she said, "just get here as quickly as you can."

"This was your plan wasn't it?" Tom asked

"If i say yes, would that be a bad or good thing."

"Depends, were you planning to set me up to meet your cousins to get my phone back or was it by accident."

"Well saying it like that. I might go."

Victoria hanged up on Tom and he found himself laughing until he realised he needed to get to Kensington in under an hour. Changing clothes to new clothes which was just a new shirt and jacket, taking Victoria's phone his tram card and his spare house keys and quickly yelled goodbye to his mum. He ran down to the tram to catch it before it left. Now all was left was to wait on the tram until it reached Kensington Palace and that was when the real fun starts. It would be the first time he met someone from Victoria's family, as he didn't get to meet her father as he passed but only one thing remainded on his mind.

He was meeting the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry.

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