real life

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"Come on, time to go shopping" Elizabeth said while dragging Victoria behind her

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"Come on, time to go shopping" Elizabeth said while dragging Victoria behind her.

"We've been 'shopping' for the past three hours"

The conversation stopped when a nervous girl walked up to Elizabeth to ask for a photo, gladly accepting it she walked over and posed with the girl. She was given a quick thank you from the father and she joined Victoria again.

"and you are yet to get Tom and me something."

"but isn't being your atm good enough for you?"

Elizabeth laughed as she pulled Victoria into a book store, walking around hearing german and english spoken at the same time really confused Victoria. She only knew three languages and those being english, french and german and she wasn't very good at understanding them at the same time.

She watched Elizabeth grab a few books and passed it to Victoria, getting heavier by the second. Not taking much notice until she saw the girl was trying to buy the whole series of the Mortal Instruments. Until the last book, the sixth book she found was she ready for Victoria to pay for it as they left to the counter. Paying 97 euros, the two left the store.

"Why did i just pay for these?"

"They are my Christmas gift from you" she said bluntly with a straight face until she bursted out in laughter.

"I didn't bring enough, i will pay back when we get back to my hotel."

"Then lets go?"

"No. you need to get Tom something."

Elizabeth grabbed the heavy bag to join the other hundreds of bags she was holding and pulled on Victoria's hand down the mall. The two laughed about the last scene they had finished only yesterday. It was about Wanda's escape and Clint and the time traveled Victoria against Vision, the thing they were laughing about the retirement scene when Victoria went off script to ask Wanda. 'What is retirement?' and Wanda answered back 'when you stop working' and before they cut yell cut Victoria backed fired 'well in my days, we worked until death'.

It was one of those shit ideas she had thought on the spot during filming, it was caught of camera but sadly it was said to be taken out. But neither was complaining as they left early because Jeremy couldn't control himself.

The two walked into a film store, Victoria was personally looking for any new tv series she hasn't watched yet while Elizabeth went looking at other dvd's. Pulling out her phone she texted Tom.

private dm between off with their heads and peter pan

off with their heads
hey tom

peter pan

off with their heads
I have a very important question

peter pan
me to

peter pan
what is it?

off with their heads
what tv show should i watch?
Madam Secretary or the Last Ship?

peter pan
the Last Ship

off with their heads
thanks tom!
read at 5:58

Victoria turned off her phone to see Elizabeth was holding five dvd's.

"Who were you texting, oh wait let me guess. Tom?"

Not answering her Victoria asked. "What are you holding there?"

"Your present to tom."

Victoria placed her two shopping bags down on the floor as she grabbed the dvd's off of Elizabeth, only to laugh really loud to get the attention of the shop. The dvd's were of the previous Spiderman's, from the three Tobey Maguire movies and the two Andrew Garfield movies. Agreeing with Elizabeth that it was rather funny to get him all five films, she went and brought all five of them.

They were very fortunate that they were not surrounded by men and women with camera's, after all it was Elizabeth Olsen we were talking about. They walked out of the mall and down the market close by and the two caught a taxi back to Elizabeths hotel.

"so what were you talking to tom about?"

"what tv show i should buy, didn't end up buying either" Victoria pouted.

Elizabeth laughed as the two got out of the taxi and Victoria followed her up to her hotel, dumping everything on the couch and saying high to the random person on the couch while she ran into the restroom of Elizabeths hotel.

Sorry that this isn't the best. Its mainly a filler. Home you are like this so far!

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