real life

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Victoria had texted Tom to tell him that Andrew would pick him up, drive him into Kensington Palace, her home and take him to William and Catherine's apartment

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Victoria had texted Tom to tell him that Andrew would pick him up, drive him into Kensington Palace, her home and take him to William and Catherine's apartment. He wouldn't be there for another 30 minutes and it left Victoria terribly bored in her apartment next to Harry's cottage. Deciding to just go to to her cousin's apartment early, to see what April has convinced William and Harry to do. 

It was only a short walk, about two minutes long and she just knocked on the door to have it open in a matter of seconds by Catherine with George on her hips. Saying hello to Catherine, Victoria instantly grabbed George and walked down the hallway, up the stairs and into the living room where screaming was happening. 

"What is going up there" Victoria asked, as she waited for Catherine to walk up the first flight of stairs. She found it impressive that she still used the stairs being five months pregnant, but she knew that the only reason stairs where in there apartment because she liked the exercise. 

"I have been down here for the past twenty minutes with George, the second April whispered something in Harry's ear i knew it was time to get the baby out of the room."

Laughing as she readjusted George on her hip, and she continued up the stairs.

"Tom Holland" Catherine said, "What is he like?"

Victoria smiled at her, "Supportive and Kind."

Catherine reached the last of the stairs, slightly out of breathe as she sat down on the couch in front of the staircase. Victoria joined her with George on her lap, he was laughing and playing with his toes.

"That is nice. I was hoping he would be like that." Catherine breathing slowly to catch her breathe leaned her head on the wall. "How have you been Victoria? The last i heard was you were struggling with Arthurs passing."

The subject was slightly sensitive for Victoria, but it had nearly been a month since his passing and a week since his funeral that Victoria fought to be private and out of the media. Catherine meant it in good manner and to see how she was feeling.

"I have my good days and my bad days as we all do. I have April who has been very supportive in getting me a therapist, and i have Tom which always manages to bring a smile to my face even with a simple text."

She felt Catherine's hand squeeze her own hand, a gesture Catherine does to show her support without saying it. She doesn't usually do it to people outside of her close family and friends, it was a secret code to tell people her feelings of support. The two got up, George on Victoria's hip as he played with her hair. They walked into the room to see a scene to only end very badly.

Her cousins and April were playing snap with massive custom cards of there faces, Victoria had to put her hand to her mouth when Harry slammed his hand on the 'snap' it being his father 'Prince Charles' face. The two watched them keep playing as they saw unflattering photos of much of her family, William. Harry, Charles, George, Kate, herself and many others. Her grandmother the queen, face was stuck on the king card while her grandpa's face was stuck on the queen card.

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