private message

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the fuck is my name?

baby girl
the fuck is my name?

fucking Arthur that bitch
oh shit
vee we need to see one another
i understand you probably started dating
but you need to see me, harry gave me the run down
of what happened.

baby girl
i am okay!
i don't need another person worried
i. am. okay

bullshit victoria
you reacted the same to your mothers death
and that left you unstable for years
you listen here, you are under 17
and i am your guardian so you listen well young lady
i may of been cool aunt april in the past
but now i am your guardian
[read at 11:56]

You will return to kensington at three
where you will be sitting in your room
with a therapist and myself
i do not give a damn what you think
all i care is your mental stability

baby girl
you know what
the last guardian i had died
three parents, three guardians
do you really want to be another name
on the list i've killed?

fuck victoria
this is why you need to go to therapy
please for your mental health
don't make this a struggle

baby girl
i can cope with just tom

[baby girl] has blocked [mom]

hey guys
i know what you might be thinking
victoria is over reacting
but this is how i am making her reaction be to death
tbh the reaction won't be that 'realistic' i can't remember what i did when my grandpa passed
so... i will try. if you have any tips on how any of your coped with death, i will gladly take it
more chapters coming.... need to get this finished before avengers infinity war!

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