real life

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Victoria had arrived only an hour ago, and still waiting for her Uncle Charles, Camilla and cousins Harry and William with his family to arrived

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Victoria had arrived only an hour ago, and still waiting for her Uncle Charles, Camilla and cousins Harry and William with his family to arrived. Making herself comfortable on one of the many couches in Sandringham House, with her phone in hand she was rather bored and unexcited for the Christmas holiday.

It was her first Christmas without her papa, even with the three years apart in the early days of her mother's passing, but she was always permitted to spend Christmas with her papa. A story to be told another time. Uninterested with Eugenie new job, or Uncle Edward new charity, she swiped on her phone, seeing festive posts on Instagram and kind greetings on twitter. A smile came to her lips seeing the joyful smiles on one of April Meyers post, it was of her smiling bright as ever.

April Meyers was in ways a complicated woman, her mother the original 'mistress' of her father and the 2nd wife. The Anne Boylan of her family, she had grown up with many different mothers, half-siblings and crossing the country for educational and personal reasons. She was also her papa's favourite student when he taught for three months at a rich school in England somewhere - details she never listened too.

She become her tutor in every subject but languages, a role model and a mother figure. She was the perfect example of a kind human, too kind in fact. She was Victoria's friend, it was sad and depressing that her first friend was a teacher and the small two years of schooling she never made any friends. Another story for a different time.

"Victoria!" A voice yelled, causing her to jump from the couch and drop her phone on the cousin next to her. Looking up to see Harry she instantly gave a smack to his arm before giving him a long and tight hug. She has seen him nearly everyday, but the long hours of waiting for one of the few family members she likes was tiring. It sounded bad that she didn't like all of her family, she just merely like all children have that one aunt- that one uncle or that one cousins that annoys the hell out of you. Unfortunately that was mostly everyone, with there sad smiles. In most of there eyes she has been an orphan since she was nine.

"What took you so long!" Victoria cried out loud, they were an hour late.

"Had to play soccer with the folk around here."

"You didn't invite me!"

Instantly she saw Harry smiling slyly at her, "Anyways, Its time for afternoon tea. And the kids need to finish off the tree, including you."

Instantly dread filled her, she still needed to finish the Christmas tree decorations. She was still a 'child' due to her only being 17, groaning as she walked into the dinning room to see the table filled with 'joke' presents she was instantly knocked over by twelve year old Louise and seven year old James.

"Get off of me." Victoria said, "I said hello to you four hours ago."

If something her and the original Queen Victoria had similar - apart from both being royal and orphan by a father - was her dislike for children, she was what modern society called 'socially awkward'. Well any child that could speak in fact.

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