real life

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Everything was just so nice, she spent the afternoon with Tom as they spent their first offical day dating

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Everything was just so nice, she spent the afternoon with Tom as they spent their first offical day dating. She didn't cry for her pa pa she didn't worry about the media and she wasn't angry at her family. Everything just seemed so nice with Tom, just Tom. But as all nice things happen bad things followed and for Victoria, she was about to be ran over by a very angry woman.

"What are you thinking about" Tom asked, with her laying with him in his bed.

"how nice this all is." she said quietly, truely everything became better. He had such an outgoing personality but that seemed to calm her down and relax.

They stayed like that for hours, Tom sleeping silently while Victoria just laid there thinking. If only she wasn't born into her family and if she and tom didn't show the interests in acting, they could just fly away from all there problems. But that seemed impossible. Already it was six thirty-two, Tom's family was already home and doing what ever they were doing when her name was called.

Waking Tom up, the two walked down the stairs to see April Meyers. Saying goodbye to Tom and his mother, she rushed past April into the car as she waited for the screaming to happen. The entire trip was silent, April didn't look her way, say a word or acknowledge her, that was until they got to Kensington Palace. April held onto her wrist the way up the stairs, into Kensington Palace and up to Victoria's room. On the way, she saw Harry who ran down the stairs and out of Kensington palace the second he saw April.

She did not let go until they were in her room with the door closed, Victoria had never seen April so angry before. The eleven years she had known April in, she had never been the one on her bad side, it was terrifying. What scared her more was how calm she was when she sat down, and how calm she was when she picked up papers from the ground and passed it to Victoria.

"I understand what it would feel to lose Arthur, I lost a friend the same night you lost a father figure. But your actions did not justify your reason- your motive. I know your life was beyond unfair, you lost both your parents before you reached the double digits, you lost Arthur for three years after that and now you have lost him again."

Victoria started to read the paper, it was all written in her papa's handwriting.

"What you do not know is your papa has been sick for years, he was sick when i met him twenty five six ago when i was only six years old. Its cliche to say, but your father suffered from a broken heart when your mother died, his health went everywhere and in those papers you will see that he requested that your grandmother and grandfather look after you until he was healthy enough to do so himself. Those three years of battling custody was just a cover up to mask his illness, he masked it to never seem weak for you."

A tear rolled down April's face, Victoria continued to read to see in her father's cursive writing to only to start recognising it as a death will.

"When he recovered, he took no chances, when you were officially taken out of Eton College for me to tutor you he asked me to manage his will. If you continue to read it will say that if he died, that i would be your guardian and in his own handwriting begs for me to take you to a therapist. He didn't want to see you sad."

Victoria kept reading, the will was more like a diary entry with little notes scribbled in, tears of her own started to foam in her eyes.

"I figured that teenager don't listen to adults when they yell, i never did." April gave a small laugh, "When your grandfather called me, i was initially excited as i was talking to the Prince Consort of England. But when he told me of your father's condition, i flew over there straight away." April was crying was starting to get out of control, "When he told me that he was dying, i couldn't handle it, neither of us could. It was only a week later when we were finally told that he was going to die in the month that we called you."

Victoria looked up, April and her Grandpa knew her father was dying and didn't get her over there earlier.

"You knew my papa was dying and didn't let me have that extra week with him?" Victoria whispered, her face slowly going red.

"He begged us, he didn't want to ruin your happiness over in Germany while filming with Tom."

"That wasn't for him to choose! It was for me!"

April cried, she dried her tears with her top as she continued talking. "In your father's will it explains that you and your Grandfather was given both the right to take him off life support, myself and your grandfather knew you would of never been able to do it so he did."

As most say, the calm is always before the storm.


April bursted into tears, "please listen, he wanted your last memory of him to be a happy one which it was. He didn't want you carrying the guilt."

"And here i am, feeling like shit. Please explain to me April how any of this is right?"

April couldn't speak, Victoria stood up and started to leave, she didn't want to be in the same room as her, or the same house. She continued her way out when she heard April behind her.

"You listen her Victoria! Arthur is dead, would he really want you to fight and argue with your family and friends?"

"Well i will never know, will i?"

That was when April lost it, "Victoria listen to me. Fucking listen to me" she yelled, causing Victoria to jump "Arthur is dead, he is fucking dead. What matters is what you do from here, you can either make Arthur, your mother and your father roll in their grave as you cut yourself off from your family or you can make this sad time happier."

"How can i make his death happier?" Victoria suddenly felt the need of a guardian, someone to hug when she felt venerable, someone like her papa. "How can i make the nightmares go away, the media to go away. How can i move on and still remember him?"

Victoria sat on the ground with her back to the wall as she covered her teary eyes with her hands, April knew exactly what she felt. "Make it something to benefit others, if it is joining your cousins on mental health and speak about how you overcame your challenges of mental unsuitability when you lost your love ones, joining a charity that supports aid in your father's illness or create a movement to support parentless children." April said as she crouch down on her knees to give Victoria a hug which she welcomed.

Victoria started to sob into April's chest as she used to all those years ago, "Aren't parentless children orphans?"

April smiled, "No. Orphans are children that believe adults when they say they have no one left, parentless children are the ones that hold onto their friends and families." April moved from her knees to the ground as she sat next to Victoria, "And you Victoria, have many friends and family that love your very much. Now Victoria, every time something bad happens in this family, in the media or with a friend don't run to conclusions and don't take the full blame. As Arthur used to say to me when i was younger, when an issue arise-"

"always have faith that it isn't as bad as other issues." Victoria finished.

That night, the two didn't move. Victoria fell asleep hugging April, and April was more then happy to be in an uncomfortable position for the sake of Victoria feeling safe.

After all, true family are made of people who do things to keep one another feeling safe.

I found this rather hard to write
Had to listen to My Heart Will Go On to write this

I hope you enjoy this?

Hopefully this week i will write more frequently

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