real life

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The two sat silently as they ate their ordered food, it was very fancy for 'just friends'

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The two sat silently as they ate their ordered food, it was very fancy for 'just friends'. Tom new this while Victoria was left clueless of how fancy the restaurant, it made A-List stars look like dust but when they saw Victoria enter. They quickly gave them a seat, she had spoken german when ordering and a small conversation. Their waitress asked for a photo with her, while Tom was left speechless. The silence continued when Tom was finished his meal. He decided to take it in his own hands.

"Victoria, why did you take me out tonight?"

"Because your fun to hang around."

She continued to drink from the soup she had ordered, only to see tom watching her. She gently whipped her mouth with a handkerchief to look back up at Tom. 

"What is the real reason you took me out" he said as his hands ran through his hair "cause honestly a friend doesn't take them shopping to all high outlet stores and pay for them and take them out to dinner where the waiting list would of been months for Robert Downey Jr" he paused to take a nervous laugh "frankly i think something is up."

"Does there have to be a reason?"

"Well yes it does" Tom replied

Victoria did not respond, taking a sip from the water and calling over the waiter to get the bill as she continued to stare at Tom. With the black book for the bill handed to her, she paid for the meal with a tip for the waiter and her signature. She then got up, with her handbag by her side and left tom to follow her. Leaving the restaurant, paparazzi swarming her. Never before did she had to worry about paparazzi, yes she was royal but there was always someone else bigger then her somewhere.

Covering her eyes from the many flashing lights, it was beyond blinding. She let out a yelp when she felt her hand grabbed to see it was Tom, the two ran and ran until the paparazzi gave in and stopped. Victoria was leaning over taking a breather while Tom stood there watching.

"You never answered me in the restaurant"

"Because it is hard to!" Victoria snapped for the first time, "Its hard to describe why i did it, i don't even fully know why i did it" she snapped even louder. 

If it was any other time of the year, many of the surrounding men and women could of heard but with carol's being sung at every corner in german. No one would be listening to the argument of two english actors.

"Its hard to decribe a feeling i get, a feeling i don't get often. its had to admit to myself that deep down i know what the feeling is. Its just" she let out a small whimper and quickly went and wrapped her arms around Tom. 

"I find it difficult to admit that others are right, i find it difficult to admit why i took you out. I am just finding everything about you difficult and i can't seem to come up with a reasonable reason why its so difficult."

Tom moved his arms to hug Victoria back rather awkwardly, leaning his chin on her head.

"and what are these unreasonable reasons?" he asked curiously.

He felt Victoria shake her head against his chest. She kept shaking her head until she looked up to see their faces so close.

"I am finding it difficult to tell you about the butterflies i feel around you, how my cheeks start to burn when you compliment me and how nervous i am when ever i am around you."

"So you are nervous now" he watched her nodded her head in agreement "Well, i am also nervous around you?"

"Why?" Victoria asked.

"To start i find it hard to hide my feelings, with my heart pumping heavily, how my mind races when you enter a room and how you have such an affect on me, scares the living daylights out of me."

The two stood their in silence, both knowing they had the same feeling, their faces moving closer to one another until Victoria turned her head.

"i am so sorry." she said "We- I can't" 

Victoria started walking backwards and she called on a taxi, when the two were facing one another and the taxi just arrived was when the paparazzi joining them. Victoria quickly entered the cab and asked for them to drive to her hotel, looking out of the window at Tom standing there looking back at her as the paparazzi surrounded him.

She liked Tom more then friends, a dream came true when they admited their feelings but a nightmare always follow a dream. She would never be allowed to date an actor, well until times change.

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