Jason Momoa-Blackmail

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Imagine going to use his fave thing to do against him if he doesn't do what you want him to do then he immediately comes to you

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Imagine going to use his fave thing to do against him if he doesn't do what you want him to do then he immediately comes to you

You were already stressed out by other things and all you wanted was for Jason to help clean up.
You: Jason!...Can you please do a little cleaning up around and after yourself when your done working on whatever your doing!
While trying to focus he got irritated a little bit and protested that he can't because he is really busy and has to do something else after. Which was clearly a lie just making excuses so wouldn't have to. You hated when he did this so you just went straight for the bullet cause you ain't gonna deal with this shit today. So what does one do to get what they want done. Why it's take away there favorite toy!!

You: Oh Really!?... Is that so!? Huh!?
Crossing your arms over your chest and looking at the entrance of the room. Jason paused what he was doing cause he knew that tone it was your "someone's-bout-get-it" tone.

Jason: ... Um uh Yah you know lot work to catch up on... and such?
Stammering out and waited for your reply that she was convinced

You: Ok

Jason: Ok? Are you sure!?

You: Totally I get it... i mean I guess you really love doing that work instead of doing what I ask and then maybe just maybe later on get some. But of course ke-
Before you could finish he came into the room immediately

Jason : Clean up the what? the room of course! take out the trash adding it to my list what else name it and it will be done in no time baby girl!
While saying this he stared at you waiting to give him any command you give him to do. So you thought why not have a little fun! Blackmail always comes in handing!😉

Check list

Comment & Vote please 😍 would love to hear you feedback would really help me out if I'm dong good or not😥 but please keep reading updates coming in constant since we are on break😁 but kinda getting sick now so 😷🤧👆👇 enjoy the book 😍


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