Noah Flynn-Bestfriends...Right?✨

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Noah Flynn


Bad Boy


F*ck Boy

And last but certainly not least My Best friend
Yes ladies and gentlemen I, Y/n M/n L/n, am the best friend of Noah Flynn. Needless to say there was never really a dull moment with him, when say 'was' is because he is coming back from football camp today.


Speak of the devil . Going downstairs cringing when I get a whiff of sweat and cactus. Pinching my nose i turn the corner to the kitchen knowing he is probably in there looking for food. My guess was correct finding him on the counter eating my sandwich that was saving for MY lunch.

"NOAH! How is that you can just come in here and eat MY sandwich and sit on MY counter and.....ugggh goodness sake did they not let you shower my ugggghh I can taste the smell!" Pretending to gag and covering my mouth and snatching my sandwich back.

"I missed you to best friend! How was camp you ask? Well it was great lots of work outs and sore leg cramps. But, other than that I am just so glad I'm back to my best friend who made me some welcoming food and said I smelled like a dozen roses and sunshine." Dramatically putting his hand on his heart and looking innocent. While I ate the last of the sandwich since he was talking. Then blushing when realizing he was shirtless I played it off by rolling my eyes and walked away with food.

"Yah yah yah hurry up and shower so you can tell me your marvelous time at the boasting your boyish ego camp." Hearing his foot step following me. Putting the food down in the room and turning to him finding super close.

"I really did miss you Y/n" smiling I hug him and feel him return the gesture. Since there is height difference he rests his head on mines and smiled more.

Let's face I had a tiny crush on him but I ain't gonna admit anything knowing he doesn't share the same. He has a thing for Elle his brothers best friend , he thinks i don't know but I'm his best friend since diapers I know. It's fine though I mean hey whatever makes him truly happy you just gotta let him go....right?

Releasing him pretend to be disgusted by his icky ness and shove him playfully.
"Aww gross I forgot you didn't shower since you got here." Rushing to the bathroom to "wipe" off the dirt not looking up to his face so he wouldn't see the blush coming up, shaking the earlier thoughts and leave it.

By doing this I didn't see the longing look on his face when I pushed him away and rushed off or the content smile he had on when i hugged him.

Hey wattfam!

Sorry for not updating way sooner, but i had Finals to work on so yeah. Anyways hope you like this imagine I just saw kissing booth and i loved it. Especially Noah Flynn and Elle as their cute as* couple goals.❤️

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