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y/n pov:

it was tuesday and just woke up. it was 7:50! I had 10 minutes to get ready! (pretend school starts at 8:05 and finishes at 3:30pm lmao) 

i did all that morning stuff (too lazy) and ran out. three minutes later, i realized that it was pretty cold. sh*t! i forgot my jacket! 

i slowed my jog into a fast walk, because the air wouldn't hit my skin as fast. 

a/n: i used a star instead of shit because there are some readers out there that are sensitive (im a flexible writer lmao) but i just wrote it anyway so whatever. i just want u to know im not a sissy :)) why do i even care what u guys think anyway lol (im only cussing in a/n's)

by the time i got to school, my cheeks and nose were all pink because of the cold weather. it was homeroom first block today, so i hurriedly walked up to the second floor. 

lucky i had biology yesterday, or i wouldn't know where my homeroom was (my homeroom is next to my biology class). 

i walked into the classroom, and weirdly there were loads of free seats so i chose a seat around the middle of the classroom on the right row. once i sat down i took my phone out.

web bestiesss

y/n changed the subject to bestiess


why did i decide to do that? even though i haven't met any of them (yet ;)) well, i have no other friends and they're an understanding bunch of girlies. 

i saw caleb walk in and wave at me. i waved back and he sat down in the desk next to me. "hey y/n" "hii calooob" he furrowed his eyebrows and smiled a small smile. 

"someone's ecstatic today" he then looked at me with his head tilted, expecting an  answer. 

"well, it'sjustthatimmeetingoneofmyinternetbestiesinsixdays! she just happens to be living in hawkins too" i answered excitedly. 

"woah, you must be really excited, based on how fast you were talking just now" i snorted. "and why are your cheeks so red?" he asked. 

"oh, i forgot a jacket and i was late which resulted in me running in the cold weather." i smiled sarcastically as a joke and he started giggling. 

"your giggle is so high pitched caleb!" i laughed at him. "i know right?!" which just made me laugh even more.

right when the bell rang, the homeroom teacher walked into the classroom. 'this dude's a strict one' i thought to myself; i could tell how he was right on time. 

"mhm, ok everybody. where is the new student?" i swallowed. "erm, ms. y/n l/n?" "she's over there, mr. klottenburg" a girl on the other side of the class answered. 

"i did not ask you did i,  mrs. sink?" the teacher turned his head to the student. "no sir" she mumbled. "you, stand up" he pointed at me. 

"tell us three basic facts about yourself" "my name is y/n l/n, i am thirteen years old and i moved here from new york" i spoke clearly, recalling my introduction during chemistry. 

"i said basic, not so basic someone dies of boredom" mr. klottenburg snapped somewhat jokingly, putting a finger gun to his head while doing so. 

i saw caleb roll his eyes subtly (thank you for showing signs of disgust towards this rude teacher) while some (the rude dudes) other students snickered. 

"now we shall take attendance." jemima poulter?" "here" "bryce (walker jkjk) johnson?" "im here bruh, use your eyes" 

"excuse me! you are talking to a teacher, have some respect please! hazel green?" my mind was somewhere else as soon as he said that name.

he had the most beautiful hazel eyes.

that sentence kept replaying, over and over, in my head until homeroom was over. 

i knew this sentence so well, although for some reason i just could not remember who it was about, or if it was just from a dream i had. 

while i was walking outside the classroom in the corridor, my thoughts were interrupted by a girl with hair the colour of fire, fire full of life and freedom. 

"hi, i didn't want to seem like a stalker or something, so im introducing myself. im sadie sink, the girl who told mr. klottenburg you were here." 

"oh, hi sadie. mr. klottenburg is a pretty peculiar name, don't you think?" sadie let out a sweet laugh. she sounded like an angel as she threw her head back. 

"yes! i thought i was the only one! well i better get going to my next class, maybe see you later?" i nodded and continued walking to class.

(time skip to block after lunch because it's ya typical lazy writer right back atcha :))

i had lunch with sadie instead of the guys so i could get to know her more. yes. two more blocks til' im out of this place and into the world of my awesome online bestiess. 

i had english, this time noah was in my class and my teacher was nice too, like mrs. gravitt. 

her name is mrs. austin, and she looked around her mid to late twenties, so she was pretty energetic. 

"okay guys, im only doing this so you can be prepared early for your assessment at the end of this term, so you won't have to worry near the deadline" everyone groans.

"ok so the assessment is to perform a speech in front of the class focused on a global goal. i will send you all the info via email. buuut! the good news is that you do it with a partner, so less work to do! im going to read the pairs now" 

she walked over to her desk and picked up a piece of paper. "ok, so nicola and damon, matthew and abbey, toby and trisha, noah and y/n" 

i didn't pay attention to what she was saying after she mentioned my name. i looked over at noah and he gave me a thumbs up.

time skip to after school :))

i waited for noah at the school entrance. i saw him walking down the stairs. when he spotted me, he jogged over to me. 

"hey y/n, even though the assessment is in two months, i feel like we should start working on it now, just in case, you know something happens" 

he stumbled over his words. i shrugged. "sure. my house?" he nodded.


another a/n: if you share my story i will give u a shoutout :)))

also, do you guys even like my stories? plss comment and tell meee feedback lets me know readers enjoy or actually care <3

xoxo, gossip girl

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