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when i got to school, it was still early, so i decided to text my friends.


y/n: heyoo im real early, @ school rn and got this idea from 

my other matchmaker plan [jaeden and lilia]

gaten: im all ears!

noah: yooo hurry up y/n

y/n: lol sorry

so like um

the idea is


noah: *eye rolls so hard that my eye almost disconnects from socket*

y/n: hAHAHA just messing with you bubba

gaten: awh noah is impatient

noah: shut up 

y/n: so we could do that thing where we dOn't betray them, but like we go to the movies or like one of us, and leave for a long time making som dumb excuse

noah: lolololol yes 

gaten: ? noah you are actually retarded

y/n: ^

noah: fiGht me

y/n: i'll pass, i don't wanna get you in hospital

gaten: oooh what a bUrn

noah: this is supposed to be cadie stuf, not let's bully noah stuf

y/n: whatever, you guys on your way right? school's starting in fifteen minutes

finn: wHat

sHit i just finished ma shower

gaten: you better skrt skrt to school

noah: i understood that reference!

finn: should we give you an award

y/n: stfu, unless you wanna be late to first period

finn: sorry

end of convo

"yo yo yo" sadie walked up to me, swinging her bag crazily. "hiya! oh, so im just wondering, you free saturday?" i asked. "yeah yeah of course! why?" "wanna go to the movies? i'll find out who's coming at lunch!" sadie smiled "sure!"


"so who's coming" i bit into my sandwich after asking everyone at the table. i had told them not to say anything, so it would just be sadie, caleb and i. "i'll go" caleb shrugged. "so will i!" noah raised his hand as high as he could and i glared at him. he looked at me innocently and smiled. i rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "so it's settled then!" noah exclaimed.

i walked to next period, which was english. i greeted noah and sat down, with the teacher telling us to just continue our work. "so what are we going to talk about?" i asked. "we could do a brief intro on the goals, then no poverty, and go into the action stuff" he shrugged. i nodded and wrote those ideas down. 

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