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y/n pov:

it was after school and noah and i decided to meet up by the school's back entrance to head to his house. we decided to hit up gaten and finn to see if they wanted to be in on the plan. finn had band practise so only gaten came. we went through noah's backyard and back door, so i didn't get a chance to see what his house looks like on the outside. "my sister's out with her friends, so don't worry about any noise" we walked into his living room and sat down on the couch and armchairs. 

"so what are we talking about?" gaten asks. "we want to get sadie and caleb together" noah says."are caleb and sadie in any classes together?" i asked gaten and noah. gaten nodded "they're in history together, so am i" "great! so if the teacher assigns a project and allows you to choose your own partners, partner up with someone else and tell caleb to partner up with sadie" gaten opens his mouth and frowns "please gaten? don't you ship them too?" i rhetorically asked. he rolls his eyes and raises his hand as a gesture "i guess so"

"i could tell sadie i know she has a tiny crush and you guys can do the same as caleb, and we can confirm it" they hummed in agreement. i got a notification from my besties group. 


lilia: where have u been y/n?

y/n: sorryyyyy! a lot going on at school!

i made loads of friends and currently discussing with a few on how to get two of them together!

chloe: yEs that's ma girlie

maddie: names plsss

y/n: the name of the girl is sadie, but im not saying the boy's because privacy and u guys might get to know her :)

chloe: yes please

lilia: aw you guys are playing matchmakerr

y/n: yeah we are

maddie: i bet sadie's another beautiful girl we can look in awe at.

y/n: ye she's rly pretty


lilia: calm down, remember the author said the book is lowercase intended?

chloe: oh yeah :(

maddie: hope your plan works! gotta blast xx

y/n: byee, and same

end of convo

i turned back to the boys. "wanna play truth or dare?" noah snapped his fingers. "yes! and we can have a group sleepover and play that and try to get answers from sadie and caleb" "yes!" we highfived in a three. i turned to gaten. "truth or dare?" "dare" "i dare you to go out to the front yard and shout 'gaten is a sissy!' as loud as you can. he thought about it, shrugged and headed towards the front of the house. i glanced at noah, "well that was easy" and i took my phone out and went to the bottom of the stairs of the house, crouched down and started filming. a few seconds into the video, you can hear gaten shouting 'gaten is a sissy!' extremely loud. i walked back into the living room and sat down in my previous spot. gaten came back in all out of breath.

we continued playing, even had a few snacks until it was time for me to go home for dinner. gaten also had to leave, so gaten and i left back through the back door, side by side. "you actually don't know how much i ship sadie and caleb. me and noah were mouthing to each other during lunch 'cadie'" i told him. gaten laughed "cadie is a really cute ship name, to be honest" "yeah, i know. noah though of it" we continued to walk in comfortable silence. when i got home, i waved to gaten and went into my house. 

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