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monday, four days before the snowball

before school 

i walked into the halls of hawkins middle. the atmosphere seemed somewhat,, different. i just couldn't put my finger on it.

suddenly, a boy unbeknownst to me came up to me and whispered "how you doing, crybaby?" as his friends proceeded to laugh obnoxiously loud.

i rolled my eyes. "melissa" i whispered under my breath. 

i burst into the bathroom, where melissa, coincidentally, was standing opposite the mirror, applying about twenty million layers of bright red lipstick.

"hey y/n! whatcha up to!" she puckered her lips, eyes not leaving her reflection vain af. i walked up to her. "why are you doing this?" i whispered.

melissa stopped applying her lipstick and turned to me. "what are you going on about?" she scowled.

"oh, you know well what im 'going on about'" i retorted. melissa rolled her eyes."because," i almost gagged as her stinky breath hit my face, 

"you aren't doing what i told you. stay away from noah unless you want things to get a little messier". she fake smiled.

"now is you'll excuse me, i have some unfinished business to attend to...dating noah of course!" she kicked her right foot back in the air as she said this. bleheh

she then bumped her shoulder into me as she walked past, out of the bathroom. i sighed and took my phone out.

there was a group chat made with everyone in the year. and the video. the one of me crying. i tilted my head up and pursed my lips.

i cant believe melissa would do that.



"are you okay? i saw the video, you seemed pretty bummed" sadie asked as we all sat around a table.

"was it about tony?" finn asked. i nodded and rubbed my eyes. "what kind of person uses that kind of situation against someone?" finn clenched his fists.

i looked up. "its okay, im used to it anyways" i nodded, trying to convince myself that i was telling the truth.

finn nodded uncertainly and relaxed. millie looked at him. "she'll be fine, finn. she's a strong girl" she reassured him, then looking at me with a sweet smile.

"thanks mills, but my situation is actually getting worse. tony is trying harder to make conversation and its creeping me out HARD

i smiled but bit my lip. i was really worried. what if melissa found out about my home situation?


after school, home

tony greeted me with a weird smirk on his face. i gulped and pushed my way past him to the stairs and up to my bedroom, slamming my bedroom door.

i then heard loud footsteps nearing, getting louder and louder by the second. my breath hitched. this couldn't possibly be happening. 

not again.


i immediately scrambled to get to my bedroom door to lock it, but right as i was about to touch the handle, the door opened, nearly causing me to fall.

luckily i didn't, because there he was, in all his disgusting pride, tony.

if he caught me off guard, he would make his move, so at least i was standing on my two feet instead of lying on the ground.

"hey y/n, i just came to, er, see if you wanted the last banana in the kitchen?" tony asked, stumbling on his words. 

trying to seem brave, i quirked an eyebrow and folded my arms. "no thanks, you can go now" i squinted my eyes, keeping my dominant position.

"or," he slams my bedroom door behind him. "i could stay" he smirked, slowly making his way over to me, as i backed slowly away toward the side of my bed.

"and finish what we started"

plez plez dont hate me i literally shivered writing that

i tried to conceal my fear, but failed and let a frightened squeal escape my lips, causing tony to stand up straight with what looked like a proud smirk.

"ah, seems like the 'brave girl'," mocking my mom when she had a go at tony before we left, "actually isn't so brave. seems like she's even scared of her own father"

he smirked as he now towered over me. "you are NOT MY FATHER!" i screamed and kicked his crotch as self defense before running to the door. 

as i struggled to get it open, i realized. tony locked the door. shitshitshitshit.

i watched tony cautiously as i tried to get the door open, as he staggered and stood back up again, turning to glare at me.

"ohoh, you are gonna pay for that, princess" he scowled before limping over to me. i whimpered and started to bang on the door. 

"somebody help! help me! please" i felt my eyes water. tony grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "what do you think you're doing?!"

he shouted at my face, his alchohol filled breath hitting me straight in the face. i gagged, which gave hima chance to throw me onto the floor.

i screamed in pain, cradling my left shoulder. he then proceeded to get down next to me and pin my arms down.

"stop it! stop it! stop it pl-please" i cried desperately. tony shook his head, his eyes filled with rage.

he then elbowed me in the stomach, bringing all the worst memories back into my mind.

i was sitting on the couch when tony came by and elbowed me. "can i have some of your popcorn?" i nodded reluctantly

he sat down next to me, causing me to tense up. "he leaned close to me, grabbed my wrists and-

"what is going on here?" a voice interrupted my memory. i looked up and almost cried out in relief, tears spilling out of my eyes. it was mom.

"oh my god y/n, are you ok?" she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and rushed to my side, pushing tony aggresively out of the way.

she took my hand and kissed it as she started tearing up. she then glared at tony and stood up. 

"you! i knew it wasnt right! bringing you back into our lives, just for you to make us so fcking miserable!"

she jabbed a finger into his chest. "oh come on, theresa i was just-" he was cut off as my mom threw her shoe at him. 

"stop fcking making excuses and get the fck out of here now! before i have to push you out of the window myself!" she cried, as she started tearing up.

he huffed angrily and stormed off, mom following close behind. i soon heard a door slam as i sat up.

my mom came rushing back up. "im so sorry, baby" she closed her eyes and kneeled in front of me. "please, forgive me"

she looked up at me with pleading eyes. i nodded and started crying as i pulled her into a long hug.


guys help i got a crush on this dude 

he teases me but playfully a lot and hes really funny

but i never see him stare at me or anything

helppp we've known each other for a few years and agh 

i guess you could call us closer than acquaintances but i wouldn't call him a friend? lol confusing right

anyways lmk what you think plzz

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