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noah changed "the amazing english partner" to "y/n l/n"

y/n changed "the awesome english partner" to "noah schnapp"

monday, before school

melissa and harvey were sitting behind a table, with a banner behind them which said "snowball 2018" im sorry

"get your tickets for the snowball here! only $20!" melissa shouted from the table. sadie and i were walking down the hallway. 

"what is the snowball and why is it so cheap?" i turned to sadie. 

"it's basically this thing that is an unofficial prom, like preparing you for senior prom or something, but i never get the purpose of the event" sadie shrugged.

i was so confused. "okay then...maybe millie and i could go together?" i wiggled my eyebrows.

sadie rolled her eyes. "okay, first of all, as i mentioned before, i dont get this kind of event, and secondly, caleb hasn't even asked me!"

i scoffed. "oh, trust me, he will. i'll make sure of it" i whispered mischievously, then proceeding to skip to class.

"y/n l/n, get back here!" sadie shouted after me, a little flushed.



"sooo," i looked up to see where the voice was coming from, it was melissa, again. i rolled my eyes and huffed, "what do you want now?"

she smirked and sighed. "i heard that you and noah got into a little argument a few days ago" i looked up at her "and?"

"looks like you wont be in my way any longer" she tilted her head to one side. "i wont be in the way of what?" trying to find out what she was up to.

"me and noah being a thing, maybe" she shrugged and gazed down at me. i almost gagged at what she said. no way he was into her.

"okay, then, good luck" i smiled sarcastically and went back to eating my lunch. 

next thing i knew my lunch was all over me.


after school, sadie's house

"she sure does have a thing for wasting food" i rolled my eyes as i dried my hair. sadie bit her lip. "she is getting on my nerves now"

"i say we do something about it" sadie punched her fist into her hand. i looked down "i've already tried telling noah about this, how many times? like five"

my smile dropped and i sighed. "yeah, but maybe just because he's more comfortable to open up to you, but if someone else did it, he might listen"

sadie sat next to me and tried to comfort me. i looked at her hopefully. "you really think so?" she nodded. "yeah, i'll tell him for ya"

i smiled and hugged her. "thank you so much" i mumbled.


tuesday, after school

i was walking to my locker to put my books away. then i spotted noah. i decided to pluck up my courage and walk up to him.

"hey noah-" i started. "y/n, now's not the time" he grumbles and walks off. i guess talking to sadie didn't help, but made things worse.

i spotted sadie outside the school, so decided to ask her. "hey, sadie, you spoke to noah right?" i shoved my hands into my sweater pockets. 

"yeah, why? you guys make up?" sadie grinned. i shook my head. "no, i feel like he's angrier at me now. what did you say?" 

sadie's eyes widened. "what? i swear, i didn't even mention your name while i was talking to him. i guess it's just what happens when you hang 'round melissa for too long"

sadie frowned. "im sorry, y/n" "whatever, it's not your fault" i shrugged it off and started to walk home.

i was greeted by tony at the door. "your mom's at the grocery store, so i was told to watch you. stay in the living room, or else i'll have to watch you in your room" 

he smirked and i trudged into the living room and sat down on the couch, bag on my lap as i held onto it.

"why are you keeping your bag? come on y/n, you can take it off your lap" tony towered over me, big-ass hands on hips.

i rolled my eyes and ignored him. lucky for me, the door unlocked and my mom came in, carrying bags full of groceries.

"hey dear, tony" she nodded at both of us. "thanks for watching her" my mom said to tony. tony smiled "anytime"



"caleb asked me to the snowball!" sadie squealed as we walked into biology. "oh my god yes! aw you guys will be so cute!" millie says. i nod in agreement.

idk what to do agh

"wait, so when is this snowball thing?" i asked. "oh, it's next friday" sadie replied. "millie, can you go with me?" millie nodded.

"we get to see how cute cadie is gonna be!" millie smiled.

hey this thing is shorter than the other ones bc i have no ideas soo

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