Chapter 3: Because Of You

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---------Ariana’s P.O.V-------------

“Harry…” Liam started shaking his head.

“Looks like Ari’s blushing!” Louis smiled.

Okay, I was but who could blame me! Harry put us on the spot and I didn’t know how to retaliate. And Zayn was HOT. I mean come on….

“Its all up to Ari, I don’t wanna be rude.” Zayn said. God he didn’t want to do it.

“Um, im getting sleepy you guys….i’ll see you tomorrow.” I said quickly getting my things and walked away. I could’ve did that better. I know I left him feeling embarrassed but he didn’t want it right?

---------------Zayn’s P.O.V----------------

She doesn’t like me. Simple as that.

“Zayn…..” Niall started but I shook my head.

“Dammit Harry!” Cher hit him in the back of the head. “Sorry man, I could’ve done that better.” Harry blushed rubbing his read.

“Its okay lad, I’m gonna turn in early.” I said making my way to the back of the bus. I walked past her bed but seen that the curtain was pulled over it. Should I talk to her? Say sorry?

-----------Ariana’s P.O.V----------------


Liz: How’s Tour? J

Ariana: Same old, same old.

Liz: This isn’t the Ari I know. Something’s wrong so tell me.

Liz knew me so well. She was my best friend on the set of Victorious. She knew about my thing for Zayn. And since her and Avan are dating, she helps me with a lot.

Ariana: We all stated off watching a movie and I sat with Zayn. He started whispering stuff against my neck and you know how I get! I practically melted Liz. He held my hand on and off again, then Harry dared him to kiss me. So I had a feeling he didn’t want to do it cause he looked disgusted. So I walked off.

Liz: Aw Ari. I don’t know I think that he probably likes you.

Ariana: I don’t think so. He’s just polite. Im sure he held other girls hands.

Liz: But does he whisper sweet nothings on other girls’ necks?

Ariana: It was NOT sweet nothings Liz!

Liz: Whatever. I’m gonna get some sleep. Avan said hi. See you when you get to California

Ariana: Night.

I loved Liz but she plays sides. “Care to explain what happened out there to me love?” Eleanor peaked her head in joining me on my bed. “I don’t know. I panicked. Everything was happening so fast I…I don’t know.” I started crying. “Don’t cry it’s okay love, we all make mistakes.” She said holding my hand.

“Between me and you, when Louis first tried to kiss me on our first date, I pushed my ice cream in his face cause I panicked.” She laughed. That did make me feel a little better.

“Everything will be fine girlie. I guarantee you that when you wake up tomorrow you’ll be in a amazing mood.”

“Thank you Eleanor.” I smiled hugging her.

“That’s why I’m here honey. Get some sleep. I love you Ari.” She said kissing my forehead. She was mother material. I think that’s why I loved her so much.

“Ari, I’m sorry.” Harry said with a sad look in his eyes. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Its fine Harry. Thank you for apologizing.” I smiled. He gave me his dimply smiled and walked off o his bed. It was now two in the morning. I needed some sleep. But I couldn’t. I thought I’d actually have something with Zayn. How did I read the stars so wrong? I remember the first time we met it was perfect. I already knew the girls from my vacationing in England but when I met the boys. Niall was silly, Harry was cheeky, Louis was sweet, Liam was like a big brother; But Zayn. Something about the way he approached me stood out. Something I loved and I wanted more of. So I cut off my phone and drifted to sleep.

--------------Zayn’s P.O.V-------------

The first day I met her I thought it would be love, and it was. But I don’t know I she felt the same way. How tiny she was but had a big voice with an even bigger personality. I told the boys and my family how I started catching feelings. Telling them how amazing of a friend she was to me and how perfect she fit in my arms. But I couldn’t have her because she didn’t want me.

Zayn: Sorry for what happened back there…

I texted her. I broke up with Rebecca because I wanted her. And Rebecca understood completely because she knew I did, plus she wanted to see other people. Did I make this choice for nothing? No. I’ll find a way…somehow to let her know I love her more than a friend.

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