Chapter 16: Last Call

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----------Zayn’s P.O.V-------

It’s only been three days since she left and I just cant take it. I looked a mess, my house was a mess. The others were getting worried cause I just didn’t want to do anything anymore. My family thinks she’ll come back; I don’t know. She’s gone. We’re not together anymore.

Every picture of us that I had I had to put in a box because I just couldn’t take seeing them. I was hung-over from nights before, I got back to the habits of smoking. Her leaving had this big effect on me. I just wanted to hear her voice. She was a part of me.

I called her number…..

-------Ariana’s P.O.V--------

Liz is on a date with Avan so im at the house by myself watching Audrey Hepburn movies. Its only been three days being away from Zayn but if felt like a year knowing that it was no more us. I deleted all of the texts and pictures in my phone to try and get rid of the memory. I still loved the guy; I mean who couldn’t you know? But I just couldn’t deal with it right now.

“Don’t wake me up, up, up, up, up, up…Don’t wake me up! Don’t wake me!” My phone went off in my bag. As soon as I seen the name my heart stopped.

“Just answer the phone, you know you want to. And you need to.” My heart was telling me.

“Don’t do it! He hurt you remember? You had enough of being hurt! Remember you said you wouldn’t allow this to happen again Ariana Grande!” My head was yelling.

Like the stubborn person I was, I listened to my head.

“You know Zayn. He’s gonna call back; he always does…” My heat said beating faster and faster.

And knowing Zayn he did. I looked and the phone and took a deep breath…..

“Hello?” I said. My heart was beating a million times per second.

“Um, hey Ari.” Zayn’s voice at the other end. I could tell he was smiling.

“Hey.” My voice cracked.

“How’s LA?”

“Pretty good, how’s London?” I said playing with the ends of my hair.

“I miss you Ariana.” He said instantly. I tried to hold in my cry.

“Zayn don’t. Its only been three days.” I sighed.

“I cant. I’ve been a mess since you left. Don’t tell me that you moved on that quick cause I didn’t.” I could tell this was hurting him. But I couldn’t fall back for this again.

“Zayn…I did.” I lied. It hurt me to even say it.

“Oh.” Was all he said. Everything went quiet for the next couple seconds.

“Well, when are you coming back?” He said trying to start back a conversation.

“In a week or two.”

“Well, don’t get any more tan.” He laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh with him.

“I love you Ari.” He said when the laughing was over. As soon as he said that I just couldn’t keep strong anymore. I cried and hung up the phone.

I had to find a way to get over him; for both of us to move on somehow.  Just can’t let go.

-------Zayn’s P.O.V------

No matter how many times she tells me, she didn’t move on, she can’t I know her too well.

“Knock, Knock sugar plum!” Louis came through the door with the others. We said our hello’s and sat on the couch.

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