Chapter 4: You Are Why I'm Stu- stu- stuttering

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 -----------------Ariana’s P.O.V-----------------

“Ari, wake up we’re here love.” Danielle said peaking her head into my ‘bedroom’. The light was so bright I felt like my eyes were going to bleed.

“We’re at the house?” I mumbled wiping my eyes. She nodded and walked away. I jumped from the top of the bed to the bathroom. I looked horrible. My hair was everywhere and my eyes matched my hair. I didn’t feel like doing my hair so I threw it into a ponytail, did my make up, and threw on some clothes. My eyes still looked red though.

“Ari, you ready?” Niall asked through the door. “Yep!” I said coming out the door.

“You okay? Your eyes are pretty…red.” He said concerned.

“I didn’t sleep well last night. No big deal.” I laughed. We walked off the tour bus to see a huge duplex in front of us. “Wow.” I laughed. Niall’s facial expression said it all. “Is everyone in there?” I asked Niall and picked up my bags. “Yup, Exactly enough rooms for everybody as well.” He smiled at me and walked inside, so I followed him.

The place was amazing; inside and out. It was fully furnished and had our names on the doors. And my room was PINK. I loved this house. “Ari, we found out that it’s a carnival later on tonight. Did you wanna go?” Danielle popped her head into the room “Sure!” I laughed and plopped on the bed. This was the life. Can you say amazing? I got up to look around at the rest of the house, every room matched our personalities. Harry had a stuffed cat on his bed, Danielle had dancing shoes painted on the wall, and Niall even had the Nando’s logo. The kitchen and the rest of the house seemed to be empty.

The main thing I saw was a note on the cabinet:

“We went to go grab some food for later! Be back in a couple minutes lots of  LOVE.”


That’s why the house was so empty… I kept walking looking at the rooms until I ran my face into something really hard. It hurt so bad it felt like a wall. “Ari! I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, a-are you okay?” Zayns voice came from out of the blue. That’s what I ran into! Awkward….

“Um…yeah im fine its okay.” I laughed nervously. I still couldn’t bare to look at him. I felt so embarrassed. I tried to walk away till he grabbed my hand. “Hey um, nobody else is here, did you wanna watch TV or something maybe?” He asked. The look in his eyes I could tell he wanted to. “Sure Zayn.” I smiled.

---------------------Zayn’s P.O.V----------------

Maybe I could finally make things right with her. We sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. She was sitting all the way in the corner of the couch. “Ari I don’t bite.” I laughed pulling her closer. This felt right. Out of everything I could’ve wanted, this was it.

The whole time we sat there quietly. We’d talk about small things for thirty seconds then back to the quietness. I couldn’t take it anymore. “Ari, are you made at me because of last night?” I asked her. I just had to know. And I think that made the silence worse. “No Zayn its just…it was awkward.” She sighed.

“If its something that I said or the way I looked during it, im sorry Ariana.” I said scratching my head. She just sat there and watched the TV. I tried to get up and leave but I felt her grab my hand. “Zayn..its fine.” She said looking into my eyes. “I just don’t want you to feel like you’re in an awkward position.” I said stepping closer to her. “Its okay Zayn, I promise.” She stepped closer.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I put my hands around her waist and pulled her even closer to the point where her body was pressed against mine. Her fingers laced around my neck and pulled me in….

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