Chapter 15: Hide and Seek Drunk

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-------------Zayn’s P.O.V--------

I walked for about two whole hours. I just needed to think. Things were going crazy. I loved this girl so much, but life just wasn’t going how we wanted.


Geneva: Hey can you meet me at the diner down the street from the Empire hotel? I just need to talk to you for a minute.

Zayn: Sure.

I texted her back and got in the car, Ariana must have went to Danielle’s house. I had to tell Geneva to just leave me alone. She was ruining everything. I just wanted a break from her. Get her out of my life….

-----------Ariana’s P.O.V--------

I walked into the diner and seen Jordan. He still looked the same. He looked up at me and smiled.

“Haven’t seen you in years.” He said and hugged me.

“Nice to see you too.” I said and sat down. I ordered some coffee and sat across from him.

“You look wonderful.” He smirked.

“I’ve been crying. I don’t think that wonderful.” I laughed.

“Same old Ariana.” He smiled.

“Jordan we really need to talk.” I said sipping my coffee.

“Okay. Im all ears.” He smiled at me; I actually missed that smile..

-------Zayn’s P.O.V-------

“Zayn.” Geneva smiled when I walked over and sat by her.

“What Geneva, im not in the mood for you or anything right now.” I sighed.

“I cant even get an ‘I miss you Geneva?’ wow.” She sighed and put her hand on mine, I pulled it back as fast as possible.

“I missed you Zayn.” She said drinking a beer.

“I know that, I’ve got about twenty three texts to prove it.” I sighed.

“Why do you act like you don’t care? I said I miss you Zayn.” She yelled.

“I don’t think you understand. I have a girlfriend! Me and my girlfriend just got into a argument over things like this! About you!” I yelled.

“You cant say you don’t love me! That you don’t miss me!” She yelled back.


“I can prove that you still do.” She said taking one last sip of her beer and walked towards me….

---------Ariana’s P.O.V-------

‘You know what fine Ariana. I don’t care! I didn’t want you anyway!” Jordan yelled at me putting on his coat

“I don’t care! You could never be half the man Zayn is anyway! You hurt me in every way possible! He never did!” I yelled back.

“Oh really? He never did? Well explain that to me.” He said pointing to a table in a far corner.


---------------Zayn’s P.O.V---------

She kissed me.

“Really Zayn?” Someone said from behind me. I turned around and it was Ariana. This was the worst I’ve ever seen her. Her face wasn’t red like before. It was green. Like she was going to be sick.

“NO! Ariana I didn’t do it!” I yelled pushing Geneva off me.

“No, no, no, no.” Was all she kept repeating.

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