Chapter 23: To Good To Lose

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------Ariana’s P.O.V-----

TODAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY! I was so excited, I was officially nineteen! But still looked like a little kid…

I checked my phone and all of these texts were coming in.


Mom: Happy birthday Rosso! My baby is finally 19. Love you and have fun!


Liz: You’re 19 now! Time flies from doing musicals huh? Avan says hi. Love you angel face xoxo

Leon: Yo happy birthday lil red! Love you, come to America soon!

Nathan: Happy birthday love! Xo

And way more. Before I could even get myself dressed and showered I heard a knock at my door. I threw on my robe and walked over to the door and opened it.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” The girls yelled and hugged me.

“Thank you!” I laughed and let them in. They had all of these bags in their hands and pink and white balloons.

“Something needed for today?” I asked trying to look into the bags.

“Yeah…see we’re gonna need for you to get dressed…fix your hair, and you’re gonna spend the day with us! Girls only. No guys.” Danielle said handing me the bags.

“Cool with me! But have you guys heard from Zayn? I mean everyone else texted, tweeted, and left me messages but I didn’t hear from him today.” I said a little worried.

“Nope. He’s probably still sleeping or with the guys who knows. But get ready! This is the first thing we did for you, the next is we’re taking you to breakfast! Lets go!” Cher said pushing me into my room to get ready.

I took my shower and put my clothes on. The dress they got me was amazing and the shoes. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I decided to check my phone. Tweets and texts from others…still no Zayn. I kept good thoughts and just wanted to spend the day with the girls.

“Ow! You look hot! Ready to go?” Eleanor asked taking my hand.

“Sure.” I laughed and got into the car with them. And my phone went off again. I rushed to check it and seen it was a tweet.

@RebeccaFerguson: Happy birthday to @arianagrande! She’s officially 19. Everybody send her lots of love today! Xx

I smiled and replied to Rebecca’s Tweet.

@arianagrande: Thanks @RebeccaFerguson! That means so much! Love you lots babe! Xx.

“Ariana you’re favorite song is on the radio!” Alli said turning up the radio.

“Hey! I just met you, and this is crazy! But here’s my number…So call me maybe!” We all sang and laughed.

“Boy you came into my life I missed you so bad! I missed you so bad! I missed you so, so bad! And you should know that! So call me maybe!” Eleanor sang while putting her hair above her lip to look like a man.

“You should’ve seen Niall try to sing this song, it was so cute but awkward!” Alli laughed turning red.


Ariana: Hey haven’t heard form you yet so text me or call when you get this. X

I texted Zayn. Normally he instantly replies back but he didn’t this time and it was starting to get annoying.

We got to the restaurant and ordered our food.

“So how does it feel to finally be nineteen baby doll?” Cher asked taking a sip from her glass.

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