Chapter 19: Heart Vacancy

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---------------Zayn’s P.O.V-------------

I woke up the next morning and the girls were gone. Ari wasn’t next to me anymore and the guys were already up watching TV.

“Where’d the girls go?” I asked rubbing my eyes.

“They had to get out earlier than usual to go do the cover with The Wanted.” Niall said eating.

I rolled m eyes and layed back on the couch.

“Someone’s jealous?” Louis asked and sat by me.

I told them the story about what happened last night.

“Wanna know what I think the issue is? You both are sexually frustrated.” Harry smiled.

“What?” Liam yelled laughing.

“Im serious! Cher and I were like that our first couple months. Have you two done it?” Harry asked clearly too interested.

“No. We never had time for that; we’re always busy.” I said blushing.

“But you’ve wanted to!” Harry laughed.

“Well duh Harry im a guy.” I rolled my eyes.

“Forget what Harry is saying, does she like this Nathan guy?” Louis asked.

“I don’t know. She does but she’s not in love with him.” I said scratching my head.

“It’ll be okay lad.” Liam said comforting me.

“And if it doesn’t get better….angry sex is the best sex…..just sayin’.” Harry laughed.

We all couldn’t help but laugh with him and we went out to get something to eat.

-----------Ariana’s P.O.V-------------

“Hello, we’re here with The Wanted?” Alli said to the person at the front desk.

“The Rythmics. Got you guys checked in. First door to the left!” She smiled and pointed us to where we would be.

“Thank you.” Eleanor smiled.

“Im so tired!” Cher yelled and rubbed her face.

“I know! It’s like I went to sleep at seven a.m.!” Danielle moaned.

I opened the door and seen the guys. Nathan instantly smiled when he seen me.

“Hey guy.” I smiled and hugged him.

“Hello love! You look tired.” He laughed and touched the bags under my eyes.

“Loooong night last night. Ready to get this song done?” I smiled and sat by him.

“Let’s do it.” He laughed putting the headphones on. The music cut on first and we started.

“I hear your heart cry for love,

But you won't let me make it right.

You were hurt, but I decided,

That you were worth the fight.

Every night, you lock up,

You won't let me come inside.

But the look in your eyes,

As I can turn the tide…” Max and Alli took turns singing back and forth.

“In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,

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