Chapter 18: Cannonball

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------------Ariana’s P.O.V----------

The plane finally landed! So it felt like I was home. After taking pictures and more autographs I got my things and went to the cab so I could go home. The ride was so long and boring that I started texting Cher.


Ariana: Cher darling!


Ariana: I miss you honeybunch! :D

Cher: I miss you too! You need to come back!

Ariana: I’ll be back soon I promise! But what are you doing later?

Cher: We’re all gonna be over Niall’s place later around 6 why whats up?

Ariana: I was gonna Skype you guys! So make sure that you’re around a computer around that time :)

Cher: Got it! See you then!

So I lied. I wanted this to be a surprise! I was gonna Skype then from outside Niall’s door. My Plans? Amazing.

“We’re here miss.” The cab driver said and stopped outside my house.

“Thank you.” I smiled and gave him the money. I grabbed all of my things at once and went into the house. Everything still looked the same. Broken dishes everywhere, still smelled like candy, roses, and oddly enough Zayn.

I went in my room to see all the damage done. Shockingly not that much! I put all of my clothes away, fixed up my room and went to take a shower…

                                                                *Minutes Later*

It was already getting late so I just threw on something simple and looked at the time. It was about to be time to go over with the others so I threw on my jacket, grabbed my umbrella, and went to get in the car…..

------Zayn’s P.O.V------

All of us were at Niall’s place watching movies just for the fun of it. Everyone was laughing and joking around, playing music, eating, or just fighting each other.

“Niall I need to see your iPad!” Cher yelled taking it from the desk.

“Okay but why?” He said while stuffing his face with chips.

“Ari was gonna Skype us around six. So right now!” She said logging into her Skype account. Oh god.

“Its coming on!” Alli squealed.

“You guys are acting like you’re about to talk to the President.” Harry sighed, Danielle hit him over the head.

“Why am I always the one getting hit!” He yelled.

“Hey you guys!” Ariana’s high pitch voice came on.

“Hey babe! How’s LA?” Eleanor asked smiling at her.

“Great! Perfect weather! I heard it was raining for weeks in London though!” She laughed.

“Yeah, its been crazy.” Liam sighed.

“Hey, I think you guys should answer the door.” She said.

We sat there confused. What did she mean?

“The door?” Louis asked me then we heard the door knock.

“I got it.” Niall said and opened the door.

“ARIANA!!” Harry yelled running up to hug her.

“Hey you guys!” She laughed and hugged everyone. I sat on the couch till she came over.

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