Chapter 9: Teach Me How To Be Loved

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----------Zayn’s P.O.V----------

I was meeting Ariana’s mom and brother today. I talked to Frankie before, it wasn’t that long though, it was mainly cause Ari left her phone in my jacket once.

“Zayn are you ready?” Ari yelled through the hall. For her to be so small her voice does travel.

“Yeah lets go.” I smiled taking her hand.

“Good luck lad.” Louis patted me on the shoulder. I just laughed.

‘Nervous?” She asked taking my hand.

“Not really, just trying to see how its gonna play out. All the questions to get asked. ‘how long have you two been together?’, ‘do you really love her?’, ‘kids in the future?’, ‘marriage?’ all the questions to get asked in a certain amount of hours.” I smiled and got into the car with her.

“We’ll only be there for a couple minutes I promise. The others wanted to go to the beach before we leave.” She said leaning her head on my shoulder.

We drove through California and seen all of these places, big houses, restaurants. We grew up in two different places. Knew different things about life because of how we were raised. But knew each other so well to the point where people would think we knew each other since we were younger. This was love.

I knew that I didn’t want to be with anyone else, that it wouldn’t work if I was with someone else.

“Rebecca’s in town!” Ari laid looking at her phone.

“Rebecca Ferguson?”

“Yeah, she’s amazing. Almost every time she’s  in town we get some food and just go to the beach together; she’s like my big sister.” She laughed and started texting.

So when did my ex and my girlfriend become friends?

“You two talk!”

“Yes Zayn! Even though she’s your ex she’s still my friend. To make you feel more comfortable, when you guys broke up and when Rebecca and I met she mentioned you to me.”

“And she said?”

“How you’re a good guy, you two didn’t work out, we’d be perfect.” She smiled.

At least she put in a good word for me.

“Stop! We’re here.” She told the driver and got out the car.

Her house was pretty big; I remember her telling me something about her mom buying it from some director.

“Ready?” She asked taking my hand. I smiled at her and nodded.

We walked towards the door and seen a dog waiting by the window.

“Cocoa!” She laughed and the dog went crazy barking and wagging its tail. She opened the door to the house and walked me to the living room.

“Mom? Frankie?” She smiled at them. He mom was exactly Ariana’s height but with black hair and Frankie was tall and the complete opposite. He had blonde hair; not natural though. I think its for a play he’s doing.

“Ariana baby!” He mom smiled and hugged her daughter and so did Frankie.

“Who’s this handsome guy?” He mom smiled.

“Mom, Frankie; this is Zayn Malik…my boyfriend.” She blushed.

“The One Direction boy?” Her mom looked at me.

“Yes Ma’am. Nice to meet you.” I smiled and held out my hand.

“Please! Call me Joan, wonderful to meet you!” She laughed and hugged me. I liked her family.

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