Chapter 8: Right Here

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---------------Zayn’s P.O.V----------------

We were all getting ready to go to dinner till we all heard….

“OH MY GOD!” and we knew it was Ari.

I ran in her room to find her in the bathroom looking in the mirror.

“Babe what is it?”

She turned to me and pointed to her hair. It was curly. And I don’t mean okay curly. It was CURLY. “What happened?” I asked smiling, holding her hair in my hands.

“It was so hot after I got out the shower, I forgot to straighten it so…it curled.” She sighed flat ironing my hair.

“I promise you, it’ll be okay. Im gonna be in the living room.” I laughed and kissed her cheek. The guys and I waited in the living room for the girls to come out.

“I hope it doesn’t take them like thirty hours to get ready.” Niall said pulling the pillow to his face.

“Who knows, Ari is upset because her hair curled up. So she’s kinda pissed.” I laughed.

“No, Harry washed his hair for a long time….just to mess it back up!” Liam said sending Harry daggers.

That’s when Danielle came out with the others looking wonderful. Ariana’s has was down and she looked beautiful. 

“Told you your hair would straighten.” I smiled at her.

“Oh shut up and lets go.” She laughed and took my hand.

This car ride was the loudest one we ever had. Everyone was talking, the radio was loud, and Niall was yelling about how hungry he was.

“Some car ride right?” Ari said in my ear. I laughed and looked out the window at the city lights and realized I was missing my family. My mom and my sisters. I was ready for the European tour but wasn’t sure if I was ready to leave America, only see Ari when I’m done performing, everything. I looked at her and took her hand. I was gonna have to find a way to make EVERY moment worth it.

“We’re here.” Paul said stopping the car. And cameras where everywhere and news reporters.

‘Can we ever have a night were we can do something without the media knowing?” Alli sighed taking Niall’s hand stepping out the car.

“Ready?” I asked Ari. I wasn’t just asking her if she was ready to get out the car, but if she was ready to confirm this to everyone. What we had. She nodded her head smiling and took my hand.

“Zayn! We’ve heard the rumors of you and Little Mix’s Perrie Edwards getting back together, Is this true?”

“No they’re not.” I said to one of the reporters. “I have a girlfriend.” I squeezed Ari’s hand.

“Ariana how is tour with the guys going?” A reporter asked her.

“Really fun actually! Its filled with a lot of surprises.” She laughed. One reporter looked at the way Ari and I were acting to each other.

“Ariana and Zayn, What’s going on between you two?” She asked with a smile.

“Well…we’re together.” She said and smiled, that’s when the flashes were going back to back.

“Can you tell us how the relationship is going so far?”

“See….we all are about to have dinner so we won’t be able to at the moment.” I said walking with Ariana into the restaurant.

“Took you two long enough!” Niall yelled while looking through the menu.

“Niall babe we’re not in Ireland anymore. So they won’t have anything referring to Nando’s here.” Alli laughed. We all ordered our food and ate, and shared a couple laughs.

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