Chapter 6: Honeymoon Avenue

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---------------------Ariana’s P.O.V-------------------

“Ari wake up.”



“Go away.” I mumbled throwing the blankets back over my head. It sounded like Harry, then my mom, or Zayn. I felt the covers get lifted from my head to receive a kiss. I panicked and hit whoever it was in the shoulder.

“Really!” The person said. I opened my eyes; it was Zayn.

“I’m sorry babe!” I said covering my mouth.

“Remind me not to give you a good morning kiss anymore love.” He laughed at me.

“Its to early and I probably have bad morning breath! Not something that guys find sexy on a girl.” I said laughing. “Any plans for today?”

“Its pouring rain. Thunderstorm. The others went out for breakfast, so I told them I’ll stay in and wait for you.” He smiled. He was just the sweetest thing ever.

“Thank you.” I smiled and went to grab some clothes to wear. A black bandeau, my Victoria’s Secret pink sweater, and my Uggs. “I’m gonna go get in the shower.” I said grabbing all of my things and throwing them into my tote bag.

 “I’ll be right here. No rush.” He winked. I blushed and walked into the bathroom and did my do’s and actually had my hair down.

‘You look lovely.” He smiled and kissed me. I giggled and pulled him in for another kiss. Next thing I know is that he’s on top of me kissing me.

“I really love your dimple.” He laughed.

“Why thank you?” I said awkwardly and kissed him, then my phone started vibrating.

“Text message.” Zayn said looking at the phone.

“Ugh, read it out loud.” Always SOMETHING to mess up the moment.

“Its from Frankie. Hey sis, producer called and asked if you can write one more special song to go on your next album?” He read looking at me.

“I haven’t had the inspiration to write anything yet.” I sighed grabbing my dog he won me. I decided to name him Mugzie. “I can help you.” He smiled and replied back to the text.

“But im still so hungry and sleepy!” I wined.

“Come here.” He said pulling me to the bathroom door and kissed me. His hands on my waist pulling me even closer to him. He kissed his way from my forehead to my neck. “Awake now?” He asked breathing against my neck.

“Oh yes.” I said breathlessly

“Good. Now that’s solved. All we have to do is cook and we’ve got a song ready.” He smiled and carried me into the kitchen. The thunderstorm was crazy scary. I hoped the others where okay. Shockingly Zayn could cook! He made omelets and poured some coffee.

“Here you go.” He smiled handing me my plate. I smiled and ate his food.

“So what have you been thinking of for a song?” he asked putting down his coffee.

“I have the beginning to one song that I made, I just need the rest and a title.” I sighed.

“Sing it.” He smiled

-------------------Zayn’s P.O.V----------------

“Now?” She said with big eyes.

“Yes Ari.” I smiled. She sighed like a little girl and thought of the words.

I looked in the rearview mirror and

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