Chapter 17: I've Tried Everything

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------------Ariana’s P.O.V----------

Okay, even though I said I was gonna be gone for a week or two…it turned into three weeks.

I was trying to find ways to get that idiot off of my mind but nothing works! Last week I was with Liz and Leon  out for lunch and I seen this guy that looks JUST LIKE Zayn, I went shopping and I seen One Direction apparel everywhere, I kept getting asked about him by fans and the media; im not telling them that we’re over. They would know to much then. So today Liz and the others we’re taking me out for my early birthday diner.

I curled my hair and got all dressy with red lipstick to finish it off. I looked pretty good to be getting over a breakup!

“You ready Ari?” Victoria asked knocking on the bathroom door.

“Yep!” I smiled coming out of the bathroom.

“You’re looking hot babe! Let’s go Liz and the others are waiting in the car.” She took my hand and smiled.

Hopefully this would be a great early birthday diner…..

--------Zayn’s P.O.V-------

“Do you know when she’s coming back?” I asked Danielle over the phone.

“She said next week. Making it a month since she’s been gone, are you feeling a little better with the time apart?” She asked. I could tell Liam was with her by the sounds in the back.

“I don’t know, I’ve been doing fine but who knows how it’ll go later.” I sighed flipping through the channels on the TV.

“Hey, we’re going to the movies later. Please come? Just to get out the house; try to have fun for yourself.” She laughed.

To be honest I haven’t been out of the house in what seemed like ages. So why not at least have a little fun? I deserved it.

“Sure.” I smiled.

“He actually said yes? Oh my God I have to tweet this!” You could hear Liam in the back.

“And tell Liam I said to shut up. I’ll be over there in fifteen minutes.” I laughed and hung up the phone.

Since touring has been over everyone has been in denial. Harry and Louis have been walking around singing What Makes You beautiful to everybody they see on the street, Niall plays every song on the guitar, and Liam’s been watching the old video diaries. We’re gonna go back into the studio soon so this wont last too long.

I grabbed my keys and was on my way to Liam and Danielle’s….

-----Ariana’s P.OV-----

“Happy birthday Ariana! Happy birthday to you!” They sang when the cake was brought out, and as always it was my favorite. Strawberry!

“Even though your birthdays not till a couple of weeks so yeah!” Matt laughed and ate his food.

“It doesn’t matter! Thanks you guys. This really means a lot.” I smiled and cut everyone a piece of cake. Then something covered my eyes.

“Avan, if this is your way of giving a surprise it’s not that impressive!” I laughed.

“Um…that’s not me.” He said. By the sound in his voice he was telling the truth.

“We randomly walk into a restaurant to grab a bite to eat and I see you here.” The guy said and moved what I guessed was his hands.

“Nathan! Hey!” I laughed and hugged him. I could tell everyone was looking at us when we hugged.

“You guys know Nathan, Siva, Jay, Max, and Tom from The Wanted.” I said pulling away from Nathan and blushed a little. Everyone said hi to each other.

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